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The Sonic Reverberations of What We Do In Secret

The Sonic Reverberations of What We Do In Secret

The Sonic Reverberations of What We Do In Secret

What We Do In Secret is the latest signing to the Facedown Records compound – an explosive metalcore collective with spiritual leanings ready to burst onto the worldwide music scene. Repose is the name of their debut for the almighty Facedown, and its sonic reverberations will rattle the senses and challenge the mind. Highwire Daze recently conducted an interview with vocalist Josh Adams to find out a whole lot more about What We Do In Secret and their brand new Repose manifesto. Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in What We Do In Secret, and how long the band has been together.
I’m Josh Adams, I am the vocalist and co-main writer for band. The band started about 8 years ago, which would have been later 2011 I think, with me on guitar and eventually I became the vocalist before we started playing shows.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like?
We are based out of Memphis, TN. The music scene here is pretty good, but can be weird as well. Sometimes we have a couple hundred people show up for a local show, other times it is like pulling teeth to get anyone to a show at all. Like most places I believe, but we love it here and love the fans we have curated in the city.

How did you wind up being signed to Facedown Records?
Honestly, everything seemed to line up together right on-time. I believe it was a God thing, but we finished recording and sent it over to Jason at Facedown. It turned out that he was looking for something a little heavier to come out this fall and he liked what he heard from us. After talking with him and others we trust, it just seemed like an amazing fit for what we needed and what he was looking for at the time. We feel extremely fortunate and blessed to be a part of the Facedown family.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title Repose?
There is and there isn’t at the same time. There isn’t an overarching story that progresses from song to song like most story or concept albums. However, after completing all of the lyrical content, we realized that the record fit together in a darker tone of personal struggle and conflict. From family conflict, loss, depression, etc., this record has been a culmination of life experiences that everyone can relate to at one time or another, or in some way or another.

What is the story or inspiration behind the first single 918?
918 actually stands for the number of people who died in the Jonestown incident. It was a tragic cult mass suicide and killing of the Peoples Temple. Jim Jones was the leader. It is the second track on the record and acts as the start of the tone for Repose. People followed and put their hope in this man, and it led them to kill others and themselves in the end. I believe when we put our hope in men, we will always end up worse for it, and that is one of the reasons I wanted to write about that tragic day.

Select any other song from Repose and what inspired the lyrics.
Repose is a song that is very close to me. It is a song I wrote for my sisters, but even more for all of the women who have lost a child to a miscarriage. Miscarriages are something that happen to 1 in 4 recognized pregnancies. Unfortunately, most of these go unspoken about publicly and in effect are Silent Deaths. After so many close to me suffered through one of these tragic times (my sister, 3 of my sisters in law, and friends close to me), I wanted to write a song for them. It is hard to reach out and talk about miscarriages, so this song is my response, my acknowledgement and statement to those I know that I won’t forget what and whom they lost. Also, we asked Garrett from Silent Planet to feature on it because I know that guy’s heart for the hurting of the world, and it just made sense. We used this as the title track because even though Repose means rest, in the song’s context it means death. We always wanted what we named the record to have something more in the name than what it seemed, and Repose just seemed right.

Who are some of the bands you have opened for in the past, and what particular show really stands out for you?
Oh man, we have opened up for so many bands: Norma Jean, Between the Buried and Me, We Came As Romans, Atreyu, Fit For A King, For Today, ‘68, Every Time I Die, He Is Legend, even bands like Whitechapel, the Acacia Strain, Soulfly, and so many more. One of the best shows I remember was opening for Pierce the Veil. It was at one of the bigger venues in town. Falling In Reverse dropped at the last second, and we found out the day of that we were playing. It was crazy because everyone had to work and somehow we all got off to be able to play and it ended up being one of my favorite shows. Other than that, when we played iMatter Fest. That was bonkers and hopefully we will be going back there soon.

Overall, what could one expect from a live What We Do In Secret show?
Energy. We want every show to be better than the last and we leave everything on the stage. I hope when someone leaves one of our shows they can say, “Wow, that band was crazy. They feel what they are playing.

Has What We Do In Secret ever played on the West Coast or plan to do so in future days?
We have not, but we do hope to make it out there when it makes sense.

If the music of What We Do In Secret was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
A Gibson’s regular glazed donut. It doesn’t seem like much, but once you taste it, there is no going back. Gibson’s is this local Memphis shop and has a reputation for some of the best donuts in the country (especially east of the Mississippi River). I hope people see that there is more once you get into the music, the lyrics, and the meaning behind the band. I honestly love what we have created, and I hope other people do too. But regardless, I hope our music leaves an impact and impression.

What’s up in the New Year for What We Do In Secret?
We are still working on what our plans are after our release. Our guitar player is full-time with Norma Jean now, and we are still working out what that looks like for What We Do In Secret right now. But as we figure out our plans, we will keep everyone updated on our social media sites as it unfolds.

Any final words of wisdom?
I would hope everyone can become a little more vulnerable and open about our hurts and struggles. In the same way, I think we have become such a polarized society that we have forgotten how to feel empathy. We rise up in anger and forget how to have conversations. The world is messed up. I think the only solution is a realization that we need help from the only one ever able to give true help, and that is Jesus. Not the Jesus the world thinks they have seen through hateful people calling themselves Christians, but the true, humble servant Jesus who gave all He had so that people who hated Him could be reconciled to God through His death. Christians are caught up in being right today. We should be known by our love; instead, Christians are known by our intolerance and hate. There is a way to love people well, yet not agree with everything they say or do, and I think the world, and more specifically the Church, has forgotten that.

What We Do In Secret is:
Josh Adams – Vocals
Clay Crenshaw – Guitar and Vocals
Frankie Forbes – Drums

(Interview by Ken Morton)

What We Do In Secret on Facebook

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