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Freedom and Heavy Metal with Lost Legacy

Freedom and Heavy Metal with Lost Legacy

Freedom and Heavy Metal with Lost Legacy

Lost Legacy present their own spirted brand of pure heavy metal artillery.  In The Name Of Freedom is the latest magnum opus from Lost Legacy, a tribute to men and women from all over the world who have been sent into war – now available on Pure Steel Records.  The Lost Legacy experience is sure to inspire all types of music fanatics looking for an exhilarating adventure in sound!  Highwire Daze recently interviewed lead guitarist Jorge Pulido to find out more about the New York-based heavy metal battalion known as Lost Legacy.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Lost Legacy, and how long the band has been together.
Hi, I’m Jorge Pulido, lead guitarist for Lost Legacy. Lost Legacy was established in 1998.. I’ve been with the band since 2013.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local metal scene like there?
We’re from The Bronx NY. Just before the pandemic, things were looking good overall. We had a few really good clubs and big venues that have regular metal shows. Now, since the pandemic started, its looking grim for venues and bands.

The Metal scene in NY had gone through some tough times in the last twenty years, however, since 2013 it started to resurge and although many clubs closed a few grew enough to sustain local metal heads with a good dose of Metal.

How did you wind up signing with Pure Steel Records?
We had been in conversations with them for about a year and we just had completed the recording and mastering of our new CD. Last summer in 2019 we got hired to support Metal Church on the last leg of their 2019 North American Tour. We got great reception at each venue and our social media exploded with fan positive comments. We also received great reviews from webzine writers that attended the shows. As we completed that tour, The President of the label Andreas Lorenz contacted us and asked us to join the Pure Steel Records family. We’re very proud of being part of such a great label.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the In The Name Of Freedom album title?
Our first record The Aftermath was written as a tribute to the lives lost during the 911 attack. Then the war broke out shortly after. In The Name Of Freedom is about the soldiers that have been sent to war. Their stories, what they think, feel and worry about. This is not about who’s right, who’s wrong. It’s not about countries or politics. It’s simply that men and women of every nationality are often sent to wars to fight “In The Name Of Freedom

Often, people forget about these men and women and their sacrifices. We just wanted to honor them. As we ourselves have lost friends and had family that at one point or another served. We asked them, about how they felt and went through and these are their stories told through our music.

Select two songs from In The Name Of Freedom and what inspired the lyrics.
Front Line and Will You Remember are two songs that represent the feelings and emotions soldiers go through when deployed into action.

Who did the cover art for In The Name Of Freedom and how much input did you have on it?
Dave and I came up with the concept of an Archangel descending upon a battle field. I made the initial design and then commissioned an artist by the name of Pzychopart to turn it into a nice piece of art.

What has it been like to have your album come out right in the middle of a pandemic? I understand you recently had to cancel a whole lot of shows…
Very difficult. We had the first leg of our tour scheduled in the US with DORO, Whiplash and Flotsam and Jetsam plus we had our CD release show we were headlining in NY. All cancelled. We spent a lot of money to get ready for this tour. Obviously, we know it was because the well-being of fans always comes first. But nonetheless, it’s been tough.

Particularly, because it’s our first record with Pure Steel and we want it to do well. It’s tough to put out a record and not support it with a tour. But, we’re lucky that we’re all healthy and we know we’ll be out there again with our brothers and sisters playing live shows as soon as we can.

What could one expect from a live Lost Legacy show?
High energy. We get the fans to participate and sing along a few songs. Dave is jumping on the stage like a madman. And our sound is heavy and in your face. Lots of head banging.

What was it like opening for Stryper and Fates Warning, and did you get to meet or hang out with them at all?
We’ve been blessed to get called often to open and support national acts. Stryper, is an excellent band. Our experience with them was not positive. They would not want to talk with us and actually were kind of rude. It was disappointing because one third of the people attending that show were our fan base so we helped them and they were just difficult to work with. Dave and I were both surprised because we both followed them for decades. Regardless if you like their a Christian lyrics or not we always thought they were an amazing band. Just not friendly.

Fates Warning was a treat. What an amazing band. They were friendly, polite and professional. I’m a big Bobby Jarzombek fan and I got to speak with him for a while. Great dudes! Our favorites though are Metal Church. What a professional group. We hung out with them and they treated us like peers.

If Lost Legacy could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Testament or Symphony X. Two of the most devastating metal bands in our opinion. They can write, they have chops and they sound killer. Those are very inspirational bands for us.

What’s up next for Lost Legacy?
We’re writing new material for our follow up record and are pretty well advanced. We’ve got 10 new tunes and hope to hit the studio late fall or early winter. Plan our US tour all over again. We’ve got some ideas and it’s a waiting game now until venues are given the green light to do live shows again.

Any final words of wisdom?
First we want to thank you for having us do this interview. And we want to thank our fans and friends who have supported us for 22 years. Be safe, be kind to one another and stay Metal.

Band Members:
David Franco -Vocals
Scott Bennett-Lead Guitars
Jorge Pulido -Lead Guitars
Jochen Wittlinger -Bass Guitar
AJ Spinelli -Drums

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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