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An Interview with Giancarlo Floridia

An Interview with Giancarlo Floridia

An Interview with Giancarlo Floridia

I was able to do an interview with the masterly gifted singer/songwriter/musician Giancarlo Floridia. I first met him at NAMM, when I saw him perform live at the Highwire Daze Booth. It was such a splendid time to get to know him. Here is his interview below.

Who are your biggest musical influences and how have they shaped your style?
I grew up in the late 80s and early 90s. So, I was an MTV generation kid. I loved all of that music until about the year 1992. The grunge thing I just didn’t like from the start. But I’m a huge fan of 80s pop hair, metal and heavy metal. It kind of shaped who I am. Not only musically but also as a person I got to grow up in the greatest era of life ever. The music was great, and life was great. People weren’t all depressed, even if times were hard it didn’t matter. I guess I will try to keep that attitude my whole life.

Can you describe your creative process when writing new music?
I always try to give a nod to the past because I just like that music so much more, but I also tried to update lyrically what I’m saying content wise, so people can relate to it in today’s world. I touch on strong issues I think that are important like the darkness of life and learning somehow how to overcome it. Real life stuff.

What is your favorite song to perform and why?
I haven’t performed it yet, but I will be at the Whisky A Go-Go next month. We’re gonna be playing Caught up by Lynch Mob – Gabriel Colon and I together. I’ve always wanted to play live so I’m glad we’re going to do it. I really love also playing the song I wrote called Bloody Bruised and Beautiful which will be coming out on Robin McAuley‘s new album Soulbound . By the time we get this interview up it will be out to the public everywhere, but I’ve played it live multiple times, and it really gets a good response. It’s heavy and aggressive, but super melodic.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of music?
I’m a big 80s retro collector. I like collecting old Nintendo games in the box when I can find a good deal on them or like finding the old toys I had growing up as a kid like old wrestling memorabilia or ultimate warrior memorabilia. 80s generation one transformers. Things like that.

What are the biggest challenges you face as a musician?
Without a doubt, the current music scene once people stop paying for a physical product the way that they used to – it changed everything, so I’ve had to find ways around it so I just song write for everybody from back in the day from when I was growing up. A lot that fan base loves having physical copies on CD or vinyl, etc. Honestly, I never thought I would be writing for so many people. I always thought I would have my own band. But this seems to be working great, so I’m just going to keep doing it.

How do you stay updated on current music trends and continue to develop your skills?
The best thing I think is to ignore it all. Unfortunately, I have to go back in time to work on my skills because everything is so fake and overproduced. I try to go back even to the Motown era where you really had to work hard on finding your voice and the soul of songwriting.

Which artists would you like to collaborate with and why?
Fortunately, I’ve had the privilege on multiple occasions to work with both Michael Sweet and George Lynch. And I’m working on the new Lynch Mob right now with the guys, so I always love working with Michael or George any chance I can. From people I haven’t worked with on the label Frontiers – I would really like to work with Geoff Tate.  He has an album called Sweet Oblivion on the label, so you never know – maybe I’ll get involved if he does another if I’m asked by Frontiers. I think we can come up with some good stuff for him together with my writing partner David Julian.

What are your goals for the future of your music career?
To just keep music alive and keep being passionate about it. This is all I know and what I will continue to do. I really feel like it’s why I’ve been put here.

(Interview and Photos by Denise Johnson)

Giancarlo Floridia on Instagram