Rocking and Raging with Youth In Revolt

Rocking and Raging with Youth In Revolt

Rocking and Raging with Youth In Revolt

It is time to rock and rage with Youth In Revolt once more!  A summer on the Vans Warped Tour introduced many to the gloriously positive anthems from this New Jersey based collective – and after what seemed like a long silence beyond the Summer of Warped – Youth In Revolt returned with a new line featuring original members Kenny Torres (vocals, bass), Alex Ramos (guitar), and Chris Coletti (guitar) as well as adding former Brightwell members Tanner Allen (vocals) and Arvin Sarathy (drums).   With the unveiling of The Broken, their full length debut in Outerloop Records, Youth In Revolt returned in an epic way, ready to commence with the sonic revolution they started on Warped. The band recently concluded a tour with Megosh and are in the midst of planning their next great escape to spread the word on The Broken.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with vocalist Tanner Allen to find out more about the next triumphant chapter of Youth In Revolt and their exhilarating new album.  Read on,..

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Youth In Revolt, and how long the band has been together.
I’m Tanner and I sing for the band! I think the band has been around for around four years, but I’ve only been in it for about 1.

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there? Any local bands you could recommend?
The band is based out of New Jersey, but I live in Grand Rapids, MI. I can say, however, that my friends in SleepWaker, Southpaw, Seraphim, Hollow Front, and Northern are putting out great stuff over here!

Is there any overall story or concept behind the title The Broken?
Its about the struggles of growing up. I wake up at least four days a week at 6 am with really bad anxiety. It feels like an elephant is stepping on my chest. “The Broken” is an effort to tell people that they aren’t alone in their struggle.

Select any two songs from The Broken and what inspired the lyrics.
Not Giving Up – It’s about a girl that Kenny knew that committed suicide while they where on bad terms and the thoughts he has had since then,

The Broken – It’s about the main theme of the record, being lost in life. “do you ever feel like you don’t have a voice at all“.

How did the two members of Brightwell become involved with Youth In Revolt? Is Brightwell still an active band?
Being that I’m one of them, I think I have an accurate story. Arvin and I joined because we had faith in the music and we both listen to less heavy stuff so it was more down our alley in a creative sense. As far as Brightwell goes, they are still active and still our friends. Nick showed me 2 new songs just the other night and they were awesome.

Do you still keep in touch with any of the ex-Youth In Revolt members?
They’re not on bad terms, but I don’t know the old members so I don’t talk to them myself. I did have a good conversation with True just the other day making sure that we were good with each other though.

How did your recent headlining tour with Megosh and From Under The Willow go and what were some of the highlights?
It was awesome! Both bands were so good. I think my highlight would be the last night when be had an anatomy class silly stringed on our van haha.

Any strange or scary stories from the road or at a show?
On our last tour somebody in St Louis told us to empty our pockets or he’d shoot us (We didn’t and he didn’t shoot us),

If Youth In Revolt could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
If you ask me…. Circa Survive. Every member will have a different answer though.

Any plans for Youth In Revolt to play in the Los Angeles/OC area?
Not scheduled now, but we will soon!

What would you like someone to remember after hearing the music of Youth In Revolt for the first time?
That we love them!

Any final words of wisdom?
I want to meet every single person that reads this and give them a hug!

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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