The Auditory Adventures of Wither Away

The Auditory Adventures of Wither Away

Unveiling their own intriguing band of melodic hardcore reveries, Wither Away is sure to tantalize the senses of all types of music aficionados looking for a compelling adventure in sound.  The six selections presented within their The Words We Live By, The Actions We Don’t Take manifesto are dreamlike yet thoroughly intensive.

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Wither Away, and how long the band has been together.
Hey, this is Connor Reading and I play bass for Wither Away, and my name’s David Young, I play guitar in Wither Away. I’m JJ Heliger, vocals. We’ve been a complete band for over a year now, but the project was started back in 2015. The EP was produced with imagination and flair by Ricky Armellino of This Or The Apocalypse and it’s destined to garner Wither Away a good deal of attention and admiration.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with a few members of Within Away to find out more about this band on the rise headed straight towards stratospheric heights.  Read on…

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
Connor: We’re based out of Reading, Pennsylvania. The scene is always growing, seems like solid bands are pumping out of our area every year.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the title The Words We Live By, The Actions We Don’t Take?
JJ: To sum up the meaning behind it, there are morals or guides we try and follow; yet we find ourselves struggling to stay on track with our everyday lives while having these negative issues that combat with these positive morals. The title goes far more in depth though.

Select two songs from The Words We Live By and what inspired the lyrics.
JJ: Transitions and The Grand Tree kind of go hand in hand. They are inspired by the same thing; the search and desire for intrinsic value.
The Grand Tree focuses on life and how it potentially is meaningless, while transitions focuses on the probability of a God, but lack of supernatural intervention. The two songs, though different sides of the spectrum, I believe allow listeners to feel something regardless of belief.

Who produced The Words We Live By and what did they contribute to the overall recording process?
David: Ricky Armellino was the head producer of this record, co producing was Pete Adams, as well as Adam Reed. Without these guys, this record wouldn’t have turned out the way it did. They pushed every song to its limit, and helped guide us to achieve the exact sound we were looking for. Forever thankful we worked with them.

What could one expect from a live Wither Away show?
Connor: Hopefully something that doesn’t suck for sure. We’ve been stoked on how practices turnout, so we hope everyone has a good time when they come see us.

Any plans for Wither Away to do any shows or touring?
Connor: Absolutely. Things are in the works.

If Wither Away could open up for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Connor: I’d say Neck Deep, just think it would be a cool show.
David: To many to say, as of late.. I think think it would be pretty sweet to open for Pantera, they’ve always been an influence on me.

If the music of Wither Away was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
David: Chocolate glaze, I shouldn’t have to explain why.

What’s up next for Wither Away?
Connor: Writing, shows, tours, the whole shabangabang

Any final words of wisdom?
JJ: Don’t let the sad aspects of your life takeover, stay up.

Wither Away is:
J.J. Heliger – Vocals
Jeff Pettinato – Guitar/Vocals
David Young – Guitar
Connor Reading – Bass
Russell Hall – Drums

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Wither Away on Facebook

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