Rocking Around The World with Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown

Rocking Around The World with Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown

Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown are ready and willing to rock your world in an epic way.  Their Self-Titled album was recently issued by Snakefarm/Spinefarm Records, featuring standout selections such as Heartland Backfire, and Jealous Me.  They’ve opened for the likes of Guns N’ Roses and AC/DC, have toured all around the world, and will be trekking across the U.S. with Blackberry Smoke in the New Year.  We recently caught up with front man Tyler Bryant to find out a whole lot more about this compelling new album. life on the road with The Shakedown, opening for legendary bands, his admiration for the late great Tom Petty, and a whole lot more!  Read on…

What was the name of the very first song you wrote, how old were you, and what was that song about?
I think it was called “Bad Little Boy.” I would’ve been 11 or 12 years old. I wanted to be a blues man, but wasn’t quite cool enough, so I guess I used that song to try and convince all the older guys that I was jamming with that I was badass.

How long has Tyler Bryant and The Shakedown been together, where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
The four of us have been playing together for about 5 years. We live in Nashville, TN and have surrounded ourselves with a great group of like minded musicians & creators.

How did you wind up on Snakefarm Records?
We released an EP called “The Wayside” and met Dante Bonutto on our first trip to the UK. He expressed great passion for our music and we sent him the new record to check out when we’d finished recording it. He and the rest of the folks at Spinefarm/Snakefarm came back saying they dug it and we thought moving forward with them would be the best move for the Shakedown. I’m so glad it all worked out that way.

Select two songs from your Self-Titled album and what inspired the lyrics.
Jealous Me” was inspired by me feeling protective and jealous over someone I care about. Jealousy is such a powerful emotion, yet it doesn’t do much good. It’s like drinking poison and hoping the person your mad at dies.

Don’t Mind The Blood” was inspired by a woman in a wheelchair getting beat up at a protest rally. We all talked about how sickening that was and how strong she had to be to hold firm to her beliefs while getting beat because of them. That song is about holding on to what you believe in no matter what.

What could one expect from a live Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown show?
It’s a full on rock show. We give it all at every gig, no matter the size. This band does not phone in a live performance. We go for it every night like it’s the last time we’ll ever get the chance to.

Has Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown ever played here in the Los Angeles area or plan to do so in future days?
Many times! We played the House Of Blues, The Greek, The Viper Room, and so on. Hopefully we can return soon. Knowing us, I’m sure we will.

What was it like playing shows with the likes of AC/DC and Guns N’ Roses and did you get to meet or hang out with them at all?
It was a huge honor for us. Those bands have taken us around the world and being on those tours has opened up so many doors for us. We’ve always admired both bands and have been fortunate enough to meet all of their members.

What is your guitar of choice and why?
I’ve always been a Stratocaster guy. The shape of it is just so perfect to me.

Any strange or scary happenings on the road or at a show?
I once walked into to a hotel room to a man standing over Caleb while he was sleeping. I didn’t know what to do and Caleb wasn’t responding when I asked if he was ok. He was really out. Ha. The guy started walking towards me and I grabbed him and started screaming “RAPE” at the top of my lungs to try to get someone from another rooms attention so they would come and help me. I didn’t know what else to scream. Ha. The guy took off running and Caleb woke up and asked what was going on. Meanwhile, our tour manager was asleep in the same room and didn’t wake up. I think he had taken an ambien. The next morning he asked how we had slept. I’d burst a blood vessel in my eye from screaming so hard. Crazy times.

How much of an inspiration was Tom Petty to your music and did you ever get to meet and work with him at all?
We got to play at his show in Hyde Park. That was hands down one of the biggest honors of my life. I never got to meet him, but his music changed my life and inspired me more than any other artist. I’ve spent time with so many people that I love at his shows and made memories to his music that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.

When he passed, I threw a party at my house where me and all my friends sat around with acoustic guitars and sang his tunes. His music had profoundly impacted them too.

He was and will always be one of my biggest inspirations.

If Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown could cover one Tom Petty song on a tribute album, what song would you want to cover and why?
I would cover “It’ll All Work Out” because it’s one of my favorites. That song breaks my heart.

What’s up in the New Year for Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown?
We’re going out with Blackberry Smoke in America and then who knows from there! A new record? More touring? I’m up for all of it.

Any final words of wisdom?
Turn your music up and don’t take life too seriously.

Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown is: Tyler Bryant, Caleb Crosby, Graham Whitford, Noah Denney

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown on Facebook

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