Unwill and The Dynamic Sounds of Perseverance

Unwill and The Dynamic Sounds of Perseverance

Unwill has returned, releasing a brand new album in the grand DIY tradition, and ready to rage once more.  Can’t Kill Me is the name of their latest magnum opus, a stunning collection of songs exhibiting the dynamic sounds of perseverance.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with Unwill to find out a whole lot more about the superbly impassioned Can’t Kill Me, performing at the Vans Warped Tour, self-releasing their album this time around, and other topics of intrigue.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Unwill, and how long the band has been together.
Roc Tracy on vocals, Ethan James on guitar and Jeffrey Jean on bass. The band has been together since 2015.

Where is Unwill based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
Unwill is based out of Rochester, NY and we just aim to bring new light of rock ‘n’ roll to our city with our upcoming album Can’t Kill Me.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title Can’t Kill Me?
Can’t Kill Me revolves primarily around the concept of spirit and ego and how those two things interact, connect and separate.

Select two songs from Can’t Kill Me and what inspired the lyrics.
Keep It Gold is our first track on the record and the lyrics were fueled primarily by flashiness and materialized obsession. The undertone about being doubted, written off and chucked away like yesterday’s newspaper. Everyone’s fighting for a window.

Big Dog is a song I think will hit home with a lot of people. For years people have abused positions of power to manipulate other people and we want Big Dog in whatever form he or she may come in to know that we see them and they ain’t shit.

How does Can’t Kill Me compare to your previous album Past Life?
Like Past Life died and came back to life… We were broken after Past Life. Everyone who said they had our back counted us out and left. We really used Can’t Kill Me to let it all flow out and be the band we know we’re destined to be.

What made you decide to Self-Release Can’t Kill Me this time around?
There has been label interest and we’ve done a whole lot of speculating on what we feel is best for this record and the band. At this time the right deal just didn’t come so we figured it was best to lead our own parade for now. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Who produced Can’t Kill Me and what was it like working with them?
It’s just been us goofs drinking Miller High Life and making some noise in a barn! We just love getting together and letting it all flow. After all that this band has been through we’ve found doing as much as we can on our own with what we have is what makes us produce beautiful, soul driven music.

What was your experience like playing the Vans Warped Tour?
It was a pretty wild experience, we were on the Massachusetts date and got to play in the pouring rain. The energy was incredible.

What could one expect from a live Unwill show?
Just a good time. Free of judgement or egotistical clique mentality. We want to generate a world where all are free to come and be themselves. We just want to spread love through the power of rock ‘n’ roll music baby!

Has Unwill ever played in the Los Angeles/Orange County area or plan to do so in future days?
We have not but we’d love to make it out west as soon as possible!

What’s up next for Unwill?
Getting our record Can’t Kill Me out so we can show everyone what this new Unwill is all about. We’ve put a lot into reinventing ourselves through what we feel. We hope y’all can share the vision!

Any final words of wisdom?
We just want you to be happy. Everyone deserves happiness, we all share the same pain and we just hope when you come to an Unwill show you feel free to be you and have a good time. Life’s gonna mess with you over and over and you have to see it through. Don’t let it kill you. Don’t let that voice in your head distract you from who you know you are. The real you.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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