The Brick Hard Thrash of Mortal Infinity

The Brick Hard Thrash of Mortal Infinity

The Brick Hard Thrash of Mortal Infinity

Mortal Infinity is ready to unleash some brick hard thrash upon the worldwide heavy metal arena. Their upcoming album is entitled In Cold Blood, an explosive slab of intensity that will pummel the senses and leave the listener craving a whole lot more punishing madness and intrigue. Highwire Daze Online recently interviewed bassist Alexander Glaser to find out a whole lot more about the sonic devastation known as the mighty Mortal Infinity. Read on metal fanatics…

Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there?
Mortal Infinity is based around the very rural area in Bavaria, Germany. The closest city is Munich.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title In Cold Blood?
The album binds together a variety of topics, that matches the mood of our play style. It circles around the depravity of human nature and the psychological abyss in ourselves and how that is making us capable of afflicting pain and suffering to ourselves and others.

Select two songs from In Cold Blood and what inspired the lyrics.
The title track is a depiction of the gone-wrong robbery that turned into a bestial murder and that inspired Truman Capote to write his famous novel. Another song named “Long Forgotten Gods” dives into the outrageous beliefs of vanished civilizations like the Maya and Inka, to turn away their own doom by sacrificing each others.

Who did the cover art for In Cold Blood and how much influence did you have on it?
The cover was worked out to a detailed concept by bass player Alex and was then transformed into a complete cover by the Czech design team from All4Band. At this point we want to give a big shout out to the guys, as they did a really great job!

What could one expect from a live Mortal Infinity show?
No bells and whistles, just five dudes hacking out brick hard thrash. You dont need anything else…

If Mortal Infinity could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Well, playing with some of your youth time heroes would obviously be great. Then the answer would either be Exodus or Lamb of God. Another great band,that came out more recently would be Power Trip.

Has Mortal Infinity ever played in the States or plan to do so in future days?
Not yet. Obviously, we would grab the opportunity if it was doable. The current music landscape leaves little possibility for small bands and on top, tours involving flying are really expensive. If a label would help us out a bit we would definitely wanna go.

What is your favorite beer of choice and why?
The obvious answer is Augustiner Helles, coming from Munich. We live in a region with literally thousands of small and very old breweries, so there many more to name that you have never heard of, like the Schönrammer and the Aldersbacher.

What’s up next for Mortal Infinity?
We look forward to our release of In Cold Blood September the 6th and we are psyched, that finally everybody gets to hear it. Apart from that we wanna play live a lot and maybe even start songwriting again.

Any final words of wisdom?
Don’t puke where you sleep.

Mortal Infinity is:

Marc Doblinger – Vocals
Sebastian Unrath – Guitar
Sebastian Brunner – Guitar
Alex Glaser – Bass
Adrian Müller – Drums

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Mortal Infinity on Facebook

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