The Explosive Post Hardcore Reveries of Kill The Blonde

The Explosive Post Hardcore Reveries of Kill The Blonde

The Explosive Post Hardcore Reveries of Kill The Blonde

Meet Kill The Blonde, a massively talented trio ready to take on the nation with their explosive post hardcore reveries. With a dynamic new single called Want Me Dead recently unveiled and an EP on the way, Kill The Blonde is destined to leave a lasting impression. The band will be appearing at Horror On The Hudson at The Chance Theater in Poughkeepsie, New York on October 27th, opening for the likes of Slaves, Oceana, and Everyone Dies In Utah. Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with Kill The Blonde’s charismatic vocalist Keanu Marcus to find out a whole lot more about this impassioned collective destined for the big leagues. Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Kill The Blonde, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Keanu and I sing in Kill The Blonde. We have been a band for about a year now, if you want to get technical we’ve been a band for 2 years. We went under a different name known as “Faults Within” but within many complications, I felt it was best to re-brand as a whole new band and now here we are, stronger than ever!

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
We are based out a little town called Briarcliff Manor, NY. The scene here is pretty much non existent. Luckily I’ve had the pleasure of making friends around the Tri-State area to really expand my relationships with the scene.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the lyrics to the single Want Me Dead?
Want Me Dead is about the feeling of being trapped and finding no way out at the same. The straightjacket is a symbol of being tied down and feeling stuck. “The more I think about the past, the more it starts to haunt me” sums up the song pretty well as it explains how someone’s past can literally haunt them and cause them anxiety.

Select any other Kill The Blonde song and what inspired the lyrics.
Well, we do have this one song that’s off our upcoming debut EP planning that is set to drop in the fall entitled “Victim In Disguise.” The song is about becoming a victim without even knowing you are one. “Behind these eyes lies a victim in disguise.” This song is heavy, dark, angry and so catchy. I cannot wait for everyone to hear it when it drops, it’s my personal favorite off the entire record!

What could one expect from a live Kill The Blonde show?
We like to have a lot of crowd interactions at our shows. Funny you say that, we are actually going to experiment with some really cool uniforms and make up. It sounds very cheesy, but I feel like this band has always had a dark image from the start and we all feel it’s time to invest our time in the looks we want to become.

What are you looking forward to the most about your upcoming show with Slaves and Oceana?
Playing that festival is honestly a dream come true and such a good experience for us as a band, especially in such an early stage of our career. I’m looking forward to dressing up and playing a killer set as well as sharing the stage with so many awesome bands! Halloween is my favorite holiday and the fact we got picked to play a Halloween festival is a dream come true.

If your music was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
Boston cream all day, everyday. It’s dark on the outside but on the inside it’s so soft and delicious.

What would you want someone to remember after hearing the music of Kill The Blonde for the very first time?
I want as many people walking away from our shows like an experience. From the music, to the look, to the lyrics. We wanna write music for everyone and not be trapped in a “one genre” bubble.

Any awkward meetings with people who come to your show who happen to be blonde?
Actually funny you say that, a lot of our fans and family who come see us live always ask me if I have something against them. Haha, I love going along with it and having a connection with them from that chat.

What’s up next for Kill The Blonde? Any new music on the horizon?
So after our festival, we are going to take a few months off and start planning bigger tours to promote our EP set to drop in October! We just finished wrapping it up and we can all say that this is some of our best work to date. This EP has been 3 years in the making for me, even before I started Kill The Blonde. I very nervous to release this EP but also very excited at the same time. It’s going to be great!

Any final words of wisdom?
If you ever wanna do something in life whether it’s start a band or business, go for it. Kill The Blonde started with only me and one song, now it turned into something that I don’t regret forming no matter how hard it was.

Kill The Blonde is:
Keanu Marcus – Vocals/guitars
LJ Potter – guitar
Joel Sophia – Bass/ vocals

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Kill The Blonde on Facebook

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