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…and Oceans Finish Recording New Album

…and Oceans Finish Recording New Album

…and Oceans Finish Recording New Album

Finnish symphonic metal masters …AND OCEANS have finished the recordings for their upcoming studio album. The band recently re-signed to Season of Mist and will release their new full length in the spring of 2020, after 18 years of silence. The Finns also published a studio report, which can be viewed HERE.

…AND OCEANS singer Mathias Lillmåns comments:

We are stoked to tell you that after 18 years of silence we have finished the recording, mix and master of the 5th full-length …AND OCEANS album.

“The album was recorded in four different locations. Drums and bass at our rehearsal place with gear from Juho Räihä’s mobile SoundSpiral Audio studio. Vocals were engineered by Räihä himself at SoundSpiral Audio’s main location outside Kouvola. Our keyboard player Antti decided he would do all his parts in his mancave of a studio by himself. The guitars, the mix itself and finally the master were done at Wolfthrone Studios by Owe Inborr.

“We have to admit that it was quite a puzzle to get this production pieced together, but after all tracks delivered to Wolfthrone everything started to fall into place. We are truly satisfied with the results and this is going to be a mammoth of an album to watch out for.

“…AND OCEANS is back! With a vengeance.

The year was 1995, the fumes of Scandinavian black metal was poisoning the air and the second wave of black metal had taken a new form. AND OCEANS emerged the scene with an exceptional and unique symphonic approach to the music. Still seeking the musical path to take, the Finns delivered a few demos before signing to Season of Mist 22 years ago.

At this point the band had already found its path to walk, shaping the music and lyrics away from the regular black metal outfits and topics with ambient parts and lyrics twisting the reality, using different languages and provoking and confusing both the media and fans.

1998 the debut album ‘The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts‘ received strong feedback in the media and the word got out in a fast pace, which lead to a split album ‘WAR‘ with label mates BLOODTHORN; an album featuring new songs and covers. A new perplex album ‘The Symmetry of I, The Circle of O‘ was already in the making and which in 1999 pushed the boundaries even further.

Entering the Abyss Studios with the Tägtgren brothers in 2000 changed the whole band once again. The album A.M.G.O.D. was musically very far from the early symphonic black metal delirium with its electronic post-modern approach.

After touring with MARDUK, MORTICIAN, VADER etc. the band re-entered the Abyss Studios to record a more of an elementary album featuring industrial and power electronics vibes. In 2002, when the last album ‘Cypher‘ was released, the band had reached its full circle and decided to call it a day.

17 years later, and after many discussions and questioning, AND OCEANS decided to re-form for a couple of gigs. It seems like the era for AND OCEANS hadn’t come to an end after all. A new album is on the run, new performances are in the pipeline, a new deal with ‘already familiar’ Season of Mist has been signed – one could say they’re back.

Genre: Symphonic Black Metal

Timo Kontio – Guitar
Mathias Lillmåns – Vocals
Teemu Saari – Guitar
Antti Simonen – Keys
Kauko Kuusisalo – Drums
Petri Seikkula – Bass

For more on …and Oceans, visit their official FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and SPOTIFY.


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