The Explosive Reveries of Sydney Fate

The Explosive Reveries of Sydney Fate

The Explosive Reveries of Sydney Fate

Sydney Fate is an alternative metal band from Cardiff, South Wales ready to take on an entire world with their explosive reveries. Silicon Nitride is the name of the band’s debut full-length album, now available worldwide via Eclipse Records. Recorded & produced by Joe Graves and Sam Graves (Asking Alexandria, Eyes Set To Kill, In Visions) at Innersound Audio, Silicon Nitride is the sonic compound destined to inspire all types of music fanatics.  Highwire Daze recently interviewed vocalist Bailey Edwards to find out a whole lot more about this dynamic new band on the rise.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Sydney Fate, and how long the band has been together.
My name’s Bailey Edwards and i’m the vocalist for the band Sydney Fate, our current line up has been running for just shy of two years now!

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
Originally we’re all from the Caerphilly area, South Wales – It’s a small town with not much in terms of a music scene, so after a few months we made the decision to pack up and move to Cardiff; Home to some truly amazing music venues and much more of a diverse music scene!

How did you wind up signing with Eclipse Records?
So after the release of our first EP Sound Alive, the guys and I started to gain a lot more attention in the UK, we rode the high and kept the momentum going with all the shows.

After a few months of extensive gigging, we sat down and decided it was probably best to start thinking about our next steps as a band. A few weeks later, and a lot of research on some really great labels, we narrowed them down to labels that we felt shared the same goals as us and could really help us progress not just as a band, but also as musicians too.

So we sent out a few demos and to our surprise, a few weeks later we had an email back from Eclipse Records founder, Chris Poland – He’s such a cool guy! – We had a few call/skype sessions, both expressing our ideas and visions for the future, and now here we are today!

Is there any overall story or concept behind the Silicon Nitride title?
Silicon Nitride is the chemical compound of the elements Silicon (Si3) and Nitrogen (N4).
– So if we take the formula for Silicon Nitride, we’re left with ‘SiN’, and that’s the hidden name of the actual album itself.
When it comes to lyrics I really enjoy being as ambiguous as possible, and love a good metaphor! We tackle a lot of emotion throughout the album, the good and the bad so I felt this was very suited. If you take the numbers from the formula too, and add them together, we get 7 – each representing the seven members of Sydney Fate, and that’s just a little inside joke between myself and the guys about the ‘7 Deadly Sins’.

Select two songs from Silicon Nitride and what inspired the lyrics?
Sound Alive was the first one for me that I thought really captured where we wanted to go at the time sound wise – I actually started writing this one after a break up, although I don’t admit it often aha. I guess it was my own little way to get out of that kind of situation, Sound Alive was a small phrase that was made to sort of push people that are going through their own problems and hard times to keep on going, sound alive and you’ll get there. No matter what the reason is, it’s one of those that we hope may help.

I think the second choice would be TACENDA, as it follows that same kind of theme – The title TACENDA comes from the obsolete Latin term meaning they are not to be mentioned or made public (Better left unsaid). I felt this was an incredibly powerful title for the track given the nature of the track being about the battle between one’s own mind and how a lot people tend to suffer in silence.

Who did the cover art for Silicon Nitride and how much input did you have on it?
Our album art was created by the awesome Jacob De Silva, an artist I actually found by complete coincidence! So there’s actually a funny story to this – Before we set off to record our first EP I was over Adam’s house during the summer (Our other vocalist), and at the time he lived with a mutual friend of ours called Jay.

Jay was studying product design in university and was showing me a few cool pieces he had found searching some really talented artists, he pulled up an unfinished picture from an artist called Jacob, this image was actually an incomplete version of the album cover we have today – I instantly fell in love with this image, I have no idea why, but I was completely besotted with it! Fast forward a good few months and we’re booking in more studio time, but this time for the album!

We were talking design ideas; Still unable to get this image out of my head and Adam keeping up to date with the progress of this image online, we hit the web and reached out to Jacob about the potential of working together for the album art. Fortunately for us Jacob loved the idea and we got to work right away! We shared a few of our freshly recorded tracks with Jacob so he could get a feel for music and fuse it in with his art, and we couldn’t be happier with the end result! There’s actually a few ‘easter eggs’ within the art work too, if you get the time to check out the tower on the left, you can find the original Sydney Fate logo from the Sound Alive EP graffitied at the very top!

What could one expect from a live Sydney Fate show?
Energy; And a lot of it! We try to make it a goal of ours at every show to try and outdo the last one. We’re always working on new ways to improve our live performance too, we’re all about having a good time and making some noise .

What was the experience like playing at Sean Smith of The Blackout and how did the show go?
Yeah, that was actually pretty cool – It was his first show with new band Raiders, it was really sick to be a part of that! They’re all nice guys too and hopefully we’ll hit the stage with them again sometime!

If Sydney Fate could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
That’s such a good question, there’s a lot of great artists that we have taken inspiration from, and so much talent around at the moment it’s so hard to choose! I guess one from myself would probably be Bring Me The Horizon, I’m really into what they’re doing right now and they seem like a cool group of guys.

Sydney Fate is invited to perform one song for the Queen at a Royal Command Performance! What song would you do for Her Majesty and guests and why?
I am one hundred percent going to have to say a sweet cover of The VengaBoysWe Like To Party, because who doesn’t like to get up to a classic?

What’s up next for Sydney Fate?
So our new album Silicon Nitride is out Friday 3rd of April across all streaming platforms and we’re real excited for that! We’re looking forward to the Cardiff Music Awards this year, we’ve been fortunate enough to have been nominated for three categories, so our fingers are crossed!  We look forward to hitting the road, and hope to be on a stage near you soon!

Any final words of wisdom?
Recycling is cool, remember to Sound Alive and always have a good time.

Band Members:
Bailey Edwards – Vocals
Adam Rapado – Vocals
Owen Whittaker – Guitar
Dominic Evans- Guitar
Thomas Turner – Bass
Terry Collins – Drums
Ieu Llewellyn – Synth

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Sydney Fate on Facebook

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