Beyond The Surface with Until We Get Caught

Beyond The Surface with Until We Get Caught

Beyond The Surface with Until We Get Caught

Until We Get Caught is an inspiring metalcore collective from Staten Island who are ready to break out from the vast confines of New York State.  They’ve opened for the likes of Tilian of Dance Gavin Dance and power metallers Sonata Arctica – and have just unleashed Surface, their debut EP via InVogue Records.  Jammed packed with inspiring thought provoking selections and a guest appearance by none other than Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens, Surface by Until We Get Caught is a vibrant auditory experience well worth seeking out.  Highwire Daze recently caught up with vocalist Chris Brady to go above and beyond the surface of this very amazing band on the rise..

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Until We Get Caught, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Chris, I am the clean vocalist of Until We Get Caught! The band was officially started in the late summer of 2014.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
The band was originally based out of Staten Island. But most of the band resides in Rhode Island.

How did you wind up signing with In Vogue Records?
I’ve been friends with Nicholas Moore for a little while now. We’ve had conversations about music before, I used to send him a lot of demos. Then we came in contact with John Damiano, our manager who is also friends with Nick. When we met John we had just gotten out of the studio with the EP SURFACE, and we figured it was the right time for a label. John reached out to Nick, and he loved the EP, and now we are here and pretty pumped about it!

Is there any overall story or concept behind the Surface EP title?
Surface fit perfectly as a title.The EP is a collection of emotions, and major mental stages that everyone goes through in life! The darker stages include depression, anxiety, addiction, loss, hopelessness. While on the lighter side also deals with perseverance, confidence, and strength during dark times. Surface can mean many things, but to my band it means “Bring to light“, and thats exactly what we are doing on this EP. We are diving into some of these dark themes, while also exploring that dim light at the end of the tunnel that can be hard to achieve at times.

Who produced Surface and what was it like working with them?
Andrew Baylis produced Surface. Baylis is extremely talented and was extremely easy going to work with. He pushes to produce the best quality music that’s possible! Baylis believes in the unexpected, and he delivers 100 percent!

Select two songs from Surface and what inspired the lyrics.
Burn For Me is an underdog story, that song is about perseverance through some of the worst times, and finally reaching a level of confidence within yourself to push forward. You are not held captive by your negative emotions anymore, you are a fighter!

The Surface is is about depression, but we wanted to show through the lyrics the different stages of depression. These include anger, hopelessness, sadness, denial, and finally acceptance that you feel this way!

What was it like working with Kellin Quinn on the song Fading Out and how did Kellin become involved with the recording process?
Kellin Quinn was amazing to work with. He’s a very talented and skilled musician, and he’s a fantastic writer as well. We saw that he posted on Twitter about doing features. It was definitely a shot in the dark but we emailed him, and he loved our EP! We decided to have him hop on Fading Out, and couldn’t have been more pleased.

What has it been like to release a new music right in the middle of a pandemic? Have you had any shows or tours cancelled because of it?
A lot of people right now during this pandemic are going through a lot of different states of mind. A lot of people were depressed, some people felt lonely, scared, and hopeless. This EP has helped people get through these dark times.  I feel like a lot of people need music during this time to help get them out of a negative headspace or to deal with these emotions head on.  During this pandemic releasing music has been hard but also has been more meaningful because I think people need it even more now than they’ve ever needed it. We were supposed to play shows, tour, and do an EP release campaign. That all got canceled due to COVID.

What could one expect from a live Until We Get Caught show?
Energy and power In its rawest form! Our goal for every show is to get everybody moving and everyone involved. We go nuts.

How did you wind up on a show with Sonata Arctica and did you meet or hang out with them at all?
My band is open to all genres of music and playing with all different kinds of musicians. We thought it would be unique and different, and honestly opening up for them was freakin sick!

If Until We Get Caught could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
The Beatles!!!! Duh!!! Who wouldn’t want to say “yeah i opened for the Beatles“?!? Lol

If the music of Until We Get Caught was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
One of those massive Donut cakes you get for your birthday, because its never ending goodness, you can share it with other people, and you’ll come back for another slice.

What’s up next for Until We Get Caught?
Currently we are writing for a new LP but we hope to go on tour when all this Covid stuff comes to an end. We still plan on getting in front of you guys as soon as possible! More is definitely coming soon!!

Any final words of wisdom?
My favorite quote is by Winston Churchill, and you should live by this everyday! “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” The world right now seems so dim. But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Do what you love, and keep pushing forward even if you stumble the first few times.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Until We Get Caught on Facebook

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