The Explosive Pop Punk Anthems of Wilmette

The Explosive Pop Punk Anthems of Wilmette

The Explosive Pop Punk Anthems of Wilmette

Illinois-based pop-punk band Wilmette has just issued a brand new Self-Titled EP via Mutant League Records, and it’s a dynamic collection of songs well worth seeking out.  Produced by Seth Henderson (Real Friends, Knuckle Puck) at ABG Studios with all the safety precautions needed in these pandemic days, Wilmette’s Self-Titled endeavor is sure to send the band above and beyond the confines of their Chicago music scene.  Highwire Daze recently interviewed Peyton Day of Wilmette to find out a whole lot more about this rocking band on the rise.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Wilmette, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Peyton, I write, play bass, and do yells in the band. The band has been together since July of 2018 but our first release was September of that year.

Where are you based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
We are based out of Chicago and the scene is pretty good. I would assume there is a lot more going on here than in some smaller cities so we’re grateful for that. There’s also a lot of good bands from this area in the local scene so it’s always fun being able to play shows with them.

How did you wind up signing with Mutant League Records?
We talked to Nate with Mutant League briefly in email after the release of Space to Breathe. There was no confirmation but there seemed to be some general interest. We gambled it and went to Always Be Genius for our second EP ‘Anxious Body’ and threw down the big bucks out of pocket to hopefully elevate us into getting noticed a bit more. The gamble paid off and we signed a few weeks after.

Select two songs from the Self-Titled EP and what inspired the lyrics.
Rancho Cucamonga & Close Enough to Closure kind of follow a more introspective approach in life and relationships. I really liked writing those because they feel different from past work. When I’m writing, I just try to make experiences relatable to the listener and that’s essentially my main motivation.

Who produced the Self- Titled EP and what was it like working with them?
Seth at Always Be Genius has produced our last two EPs. He is amazing and lives up to the name of his studio. This time around it was a bit more awkward because we were trying to social distance in the studio and it wouldn’t allow us to be in there with him listening. So we kind of had to peek through the door to hear the songs as we were recording but overall the product came out amazing and we could not be more happy.

What has it been like to release new music right in the middle of a pandemic? Have you had any shows or tours cancelled because of it?
We had a little weekend run booked in late March that got cancelled. We were actually on a week long tour through the East Coast in early March and had no idea of the state the country was about to be in. We haven’t had any shows cancelled so far because we’re being responsible and waiting to book until the issue subsides.

What was the last show you did before the pandemic began and how did it go? What could one expect from a live Wilmette show?
The last show was an Out Of Context show at Inside Town on the last date of our week long tour with MMATA. It was great and our friends and supporters turned up and made the show a great experience. I think that depends on what city you ask lol. We are relatively new and upcoming so Chicago is usually good to us but we had some fun on the central east coast as well!

If Wilmette could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
I feel bad because I think everyone in the band would answer this differently. But I think if we could open up for one band it would probably be a Knuckle Puck, Like Pacific, or The Story So Far. I think we have a similar style to these bands and I’m an overall fan and would want to watch them play every night.

What’s up next for Wilmette?
We are throwing this EP at the wall 9/25 and praying it sticks and catches on. In the meanwhile, with the pandemic going on, all we can do is chill and play fall guys, skater XL and do interviews like this.

Any final words of wisdom?
If you’re a console gamer get some help. Buy a PC.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Wilmette on Facebook
Mutant League Records on Facebook

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