Firecry by Category VI (Moribund Records)

Firecry by Category VI (Moribund Records)

Firecry by Category VI (Moribund Records)

Imagine, if you will, rock entities such as Heart and Halestorm slamming headfirst into a mighty stash of cult power metal and thrash albums, and you are only just beginning to encounter the scorching devastation found within Firecry by Category VI. This female fronted Canadian band is the real deal, destined to enrapture metalheads all over the planet.

From the opening refrains of the title track to the headbanging ferocity of Valkyrie and beyond, Category VI delivers the wicked rage like a band absolutely possessed and ready to conquer the world. Be sure to listen to the grand finale, when Category VI take on the Heart classic Barracuda, and render the classic rock song a massive metal anthem for the ages!

This glorious inferno of auditory intrigue is presented by Amanda Jackman on soaring vocals, Geoff Waye on blistering guitar, Keith Jackman on pummeling bass, and Brian Downton on thunderous drums. Another genre classic brought to you by the legendary Moribund Cult!

(Review by Ken Morton)

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