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Cooper Turnbull at Hotel Ziggy – Live Review

Cooper Turnbull at Hotel Ziggy – Live Review

Cooper Turnbull, We Found New Music with Grant Owens at Hotel Ziggy, West Hollywood, CA., February 25, 2025

Cooper Turnbull is a young singer/songwriter best known for his appearance on Australian Idol 2023, captivating the judges with an impassioned rendition of Falling by Harry Styles. Now currently in the United States seeking his fame and fortune as a recording artist, Cooper has been performing at venues such as the notorious Viper Room and the cozy Hotel Ziggy – both on the iconic Sunset Strip. Highwire Daze caught up with Cooper on the night of February 25th at Hotel Ziggy, an event presented by the always amazing We Found New Music with Grant Owens. A cast of fans and other colorful Sunset Strip types were attendance to witness Cooper’s opening set – and I’d have to say – if any A&R reps were even present, Cooper would be signed to the dotted line!

With a radiant stage presence and a powerhouse voice that will break your heart to pieces, Cooper lays it all on the line within the realm of live performance. Opening with the sweet magnificence of Elixir and then merging into his should-be hit single Away, Cooper captured the attention of early arrivals in the room. Playfully stating that the set would go from the happiest songs first to the very saddest last, Cooper delivered the massively emotional goods tenfold. Channeling indie greats such as Elliott Smith, Nick Drake, and even the patron saint of all things cool Bob DylanCooper presented his own original songs filled to the brim with passions seething – and the night was an absolutely unforgettable experience.

The dynamic tapestries kept on arriving, with spiraling selections such as Icarus, Fortress, and Strawberry Dreams transporting the audience deep into the soul of this very timeless artist. Closing with the sweeping reveries of the standout Powerlines, Cooper concluding a stunning 30-minutes of heartfelt tunes that listeners will want to revisit time and again.

Stay tuned, because an EP featuring many of the songs is in the works and should be out before 2025 spins to its dizzying conclusion. Do whatever it takes to catch Cooper Turnbull at this point in his career, because judging by his wonderful live shows and impactful songs, his star is going to rise up to the top in nothing short of an epic way!

(Review by Ken Morton – Photos by Linda Emord)

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