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The Sweet, Sweet Sugar of Modern Maps

The Sweet, Sweet Sugar of Modern Maps

Meet Modern Maps, an indie pop rocking trio ready to leave a definitive impact – especially if their debut recording hope you’re happy on Rise Records is indicative of greater glories ahead.  Based out of the thriving Los Angeles music scene,  Modern Maps presents superbly infectious songs intertwined with deeply reflective lyrics.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with vocalist Trever Stewart to find out a whole lot more about Modern Maps, their hope you’re happy manifesto, impressions of the Vans Warped Tour coming to an end, donuts, and other sweet sweet topics of interest.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Modern Maps, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Trever and I am the singer in Modern Maps. We are a 3-piece rock band that consists of myself, and two brothers; Matthew and Dominick. Although we’ve been playing music together for many years, Modern Maps was formed roughly 3 years ago.

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
We are based out of the Los Angeles, California. The music scene out here is thriving. There are so many talented local artists and with Southern California being such a hub for entertainment, there’s always an incredible local show to go see.

How did you wind up signing with Rise Records?
We wrote a couple of songs that Rise really liked, next thing we knew we were flying up to Portland, Oregon to record a full length record. Its been a surreal experience and we’re so grateful to be on such a rad record label.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the CD title ‘hope you’re happy.’
For this record, hope you’re happy. is a form of goodbye. It could have a different meaning depending on the tone in which you say it. It could be genuine. Or it could be said with two middle fingers held up.

Select two songs from ‘hope you’re happy.’ and what inspired the lyrics.
Track #10, “Bite My Lip” was amongst the last written for ‘hope you’re happy.’ and is one of our favorites to play live. This song is about giving all that you can to someone that only hurts you in return. Over and over again.

Track #3, “Reflective Glass” is a song that deals with the internal struggle of losing all of your confidence but trying to find the strength to pick yourself back up.

Who produced ‘hope you’re happy.’ and what was it like working with them?
We are so grateful to have been able to hire two of our best friends, David Knox and Ryan Furlott to co-produce this record. Working with them was a dream. We very much felt comfortable and at home while writing and recording this album over the course of 6 months in Portland, Oregon.

What could one expect from a live Modern Maps show?
Make sure you wear a rain coat cause people are gonna be dancing up a storm! Really though, we take a lot of pride in our preparation for a show. When you see us live you can count on the fact that we had spent an absurd amount hours preparing these songs to be heard in their true form.

If Modern Maps could open for a band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
That’s the most difficult question I’ve ever been asked. On one hand it’s Fleetwood Mac…but then again could you imagine playing a show with Michael Jackson?! It would be such a privilege to share a stage with any band who had changed the course of music history.

What are your impressions now that the Vans Warped Tour is coming to an end?
It’s very hard to say goodbye. All of us have been going for over a decade. For me, as a kid I wasn’t able to afford to go concerts every time they came through my city. Warped Tour gave me a heaven where I could see all of my favorite bands for the price of one concert ticket.

If the music of Modern Maps was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
We’d be a donut big enough for everyone to take a bite out of so that they taste our sweet, sweet sugar!

What’s up next for Modern Maps?
We want to play hope you’re happy. for you live! Follow us on social media and stay tuned for some tour news!

Any final words of wisdom?
Brush your teeth.
Everybody love everybody.
Listen to hope you’re happy.
Thank so much for your time!
As always,
hope you’re happy.

Modern Maps is:
Trever Stewart – Vocals
Matthew Hall – Drums
Dominick Hall – Guitar

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Modern Maps on Facebook