Four Minute Mile – The Highwire Daze Legacy Interviews
Four Minute Mile – The Highwire Daze Legacy Interviews
Originally Published: 03/27/13
From the press bio:
Four Minute Mile is made up of Devon Ayala on vocals, Sebastian Stanley slapping the bass, Sean Wallner and Lawton Hood on the six strings, and Kevin Hart on drums. They formed in 2011 after the members has rotated through a number of different local bands.
With their solidified lineup, they have taken their blend of pop, punk, and hardcore influences on tour across the west coast with bands including Forever Came Calling, With The Punches, Carridale, and spoken word artist Trey The Ruler.
After signing with Better Days Records, the band plan to release a CD/7inch entitled “Bridges/Streetlights” this spring, as well as hit the road again with Stanley and the Search. Keep your eyes peeled as this band flourishes into greatness!
Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Four Minute Mile, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Kevin, I play drums in Four Minute Mile, and the band started in June of 2011.
Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
We are based out of Olympia, Washington. The local scene is really interesting because we are tucked away in the corner of the country, so all kinds of bands have to play together which is kind of awesome. As far as local bands I’d recommend, I’ve been listening to a local hardcore band signed to 6131 called Wreck a lot lately. Check that out.
Is there any story or concept behind the Bridges /Streetlights title?
It is lifted from lines in the song Camellia.
Who produced Bridges / Streetlights and what was it like working with them?
We worked with our bud Ahren Lanfor again for this EP (he produced our Indian Summer EP as well), and we had a great time working with/being picked on by him. He plays in a cool post rock band called Lo’ There Do I See Me Brother. Check that out too.
How did you wind up signing to Better Days Records?
Cassidy was friends with most of us before Four Minute Mile was ever an idea. He put out an EP for a band Lawton and I played in a few years ago right after starting up the label. When we started talking about recording this EP, I started bugging him to put out the record and he eventually agreed.
What could one expect from a live Four Minute Mile show?
Me trying to be funny, laughing at my own jokes, and making everyone really uncomfortable.
Has Four Minute Mile ever played in the Los Angeles area or plan to do so in the future?
We played in Murrieta last August when we were on tour with Streetlight Fire and Trey The Ruler. We will be back in May with Stanley and the Search.
Any strange or unusual happenings while out on the road or at a live show?
None that I feel really comfortable discussing…
Has Four Minute Mile ever played Warped Tour and if so, what was the experience like?
We have not.
While at a show, some drunk guy offers you $100 cash to play What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction in your set. He is obviously serious and wants to hear the song. What do you do?
I would absolutely go for it. After we finished our set, and the fun haters tore down their gear I would play it acoustic and keep the Benjamin.
If the music of Four Minute Mile was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
Just a plain glazed donut. Not too much going on but still enjoyable.
What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?
I’d like them to think the songs don’t sound like a product of influences like most bands of our genre have a problem with.
Any final words of wisdom?
No one likes a wise guy.
(Interview by Ken Morton)
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