The Rock and Roll Heroes of Cyanide 4

The Rock and Roll Heroes of Cyanide 4

Unveiled in 2008, Cyanide 4 is a glam/sleaze rock band from Greece who are beginning to make quite an impression all around the planet with their wickedly infectious tunes.  Their latest magnum opus Nekyia has been released worldwide through Perris Records, featuring epic cuts such as Rock ‘N’ Roll Hero, She-Mystery Girl, and Love Me When I’m Dead.  The band has opened for the likes of the Scorpions, Lizzie Borden, and W.A.S.P., and are planning to venture on a tour across Europe within the near future.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up G.A. Sinn, the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Cyanide 4, to find out more about the dynamic band and their raging new album Nekyia.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Cyanide 4, and how long the band has been together.
Hello! I’m G.A Sinn, I sing and play rhythm guitar in the band. The band is been around since April 2008.

Where is the band based out of and what is the music scene like there?
At the time we are based in Greece (Eastern Europe). The music scene here includes many genres of music but basically as a country, we mostly import music than export and that ain’t good!!!  Luckily we have many followers and that’s a very positive thing.

How did you wind up on Perris Records?
We released our first album on Perris Records so we knew them and they knew us and we thought that would be a good idea to release the second one on their label cause the’re doing a good job on the underground market.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the title Nekyia?
It’s a part of odyssey where the hero goes down to the underworld to meet a mantys to tell him the way back to Ithaca. By the time that we were writing the new material, we were into subjects around death and manipulation, so the title came out very instinctively.

Select any two songs from Nekyia and what inspired the lyrics.
She-Mystery Girl is about a female cyber stalker ..we end up thinking that she was a demon lol
Rock n Roll Hero is about a character that feels betrayed by his religious past and hoping to succeed in his career by selling his soul to the devil…pretty common for a rock band lol

What could one expect from a live Cyanide 4 show?
Blood-guts and sweat.

Any chance of Cyanide 4 coming over to the States to do some shows or a tour?
Unfortunately not but we’d loved to,,if a promoter is reading this …come on bring us to the States!!!

What was it like opening for the Scorpions and did you get to meet or hang out with them at all?
Great experience and a good feeling over all,big crowd, loud music, 2 incredible nights. We had the opportunity to meet the band and hang out with them at the hotel lobby having some cold beverages.

If Cyanide 4 could open up for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
I guess bands like Guns N’ Roses, Motley Crue, Sex Pistols… you know dangerous bands!

What’s up next for Cyanide 4?
A new cover song and a European tour on the table!!

Any final words of wisdom?
I would like to thank you for your interest about Cyanide 4. Peace and love to all our fans out there cheers!!

Cyanide 4 is:
G.A. Sinn – rhythm guitar/vocals
Nasty George -bass
Alex Rated – drums
Dyan Mair -lead guitar.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Cyanide 4 on Facebook

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