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Bearings: Emotionally Driven Pop Punk from Canada

Bearings: Emotionally Driven Pop Punk from Canada

Photo Credit: Ryan Stacey

Bearings: Emotionally Driven Pop Punk from Canada

Meet Bearings, the latest signing to the Pure Noise roster of talent – ready to break through in an epic way – especially if their just released Nothing Here Is Permanent EP is indicative of greater glories ahead.   Now on tour with State Champs and ready to stay on the road forever and a day, Bearings is sure to gain quite a following with their emotionally driven pop punk entreaties.  Prior to heading out on the road with State Champs, Highwire Daze Online caught up with Doug Cousins, the lead vocalist of Bearings, to find out more about this passionate band on the rise.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Bearings and how long the band has been together.
Hey, My name is Doug and I sing and kind of yell every once in awhile. We’ve been a band for a few years now, We started when we met in College.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
We’re based out of Ottawa, Ontario which we are so proud of. It’s a great city and the music scene here right now is flourishing. In the last year or so things started really picking up, bands started to get signed, a community formed around the support for alternative music and a “venue” started up that bands all around Canada and the U.S. talk about playing (it’s supposed to be a secret though so shhh.). There is so many great bands coming out of Ottawa right now. A few we love to play with are Pine, Castlefield, We Were Sharks and Nighttime In Kansas.

How did you wind up signing with Pure Noise Records?
When we finished “Nothing Here Is Permanent” we knew it was something we wanted to push out to as many people as we could. Pure Noise has always been a label we’ve loved, They’ve been a huge part of the Ontario scene coming up the way it has even though they’re based out in California. We wanted to be part of that family and they were happy to have us.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the Nothing Here Is Permanent title?
Nothing Here Is Permanent” is a collection of songs about loss that I’ve experienced. There’s a line in the chorus of the opening track “Petrichor” that recites the EP’s title in a fashion that makes it stand out. It’s the perfect representation for this collection of songs about people I miss a whole lot.

Select two songs from Nothing Here Is Permanent and what inspired the lyrics.
North Hansen is about my dad passing away from Cancer. It was a tough time in my life, but the second verse goes on to say that loss – though it’s awful – is something we will have to face throughout our lives and one day things will feel normal again. It just takes time. Petrichor means “The smell of earth after rain”, it’s those strange familiar smells that give you a quick dose of nostalgia, a quick glance at what life felt like when you were a kid. It’s a song about reflection, specifically reflecting on the people in one’s life that have passed on. You’ll always miss that person, everyday you’ll see or hear something that will remind you of them, but in time hopefully you won’t be so sad, because you got to share life with them while they were here.

Who did the cover art for Nothing Here Is Permanent and how much input did you have on it?
The Artwork was done by Jake Carruthers, an artist based out of Toronto. We gave him the title and a rough idea of what we wanted, but gave him quite a bit of room to implement his own style and take on it. He did a great job and with the EP coming out on vinyl, the art will really have a chance to stand out.

What could one expect from a live Bearings show?
Our set is a little bit faster and heavier than what is heard on the record. We’re passionate about the music we play, and we show that in our live show. We love when people get involved, we’re always willing to share the spotlight with a few stage divers.

What are you looking forward to the most about playing the Four Chord Music Festival?
We’re looking forward to seeing some of our favourite bands and playing to some new faces. We haven’t really played too many festivals, so it’s a very cool opportunity.

If Bearings could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
If there was ever a chance to tour with The Menzingers we’d be ecstatic. In a previous interview Connor our drummer answered State Champs, so hopefully this streak continues.

If the music of Bearings was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
Probably a Canadian Maple Doughnut, because it’s generally well liked in Canada but we’re hoping it catches on in the states.

What’s up next for Bearings?
We’ve got this State Champs Tour and then a couple announcements for some shows we’re playing December!

Any final words of wisdom?
Nothing Here Is Permanent. Go do what you love.

Bearings is:
Doug Cousins – Vocals
Ryan Culligan – Guitar/Vocals
Tyler Nickel – Guitar
Collin Hanes – Bass
Connor Kington – Drums

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Bearings on Facebook