The Brinks: Indie Rock Co-Conspirators On The Rise

The Brinks: Indie Rock Co-Conspirators On The Rise

The Brinks is a Los Angeles based indie rock duo, consisting of producer Matt Friedman and Australian singer Scott Mellis.  Unveiling auditory intrigue that will set the imagination in flight, The Brinks recently unleashed a collection of songs entitled EP2.  After a recent appearance at Hollywood Proper Residences where the band played in celebration of the their recently issued EP2 collaboration, Highwire Daze Online caught up with The Brinks’ co-conspirators to find out a bit more about this amazing band on the rise.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in The Brinks, and how long the band has been together.
Matt: Matt Friedman, 6’ 5″, I produce our records and we both play instruments and work on writing the songs together.

Scott: Scott Mellis, yeah what he said, I do little bit of singalinging also.

Where is the band based out of and what is the music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?
Matt: We both live in Los Angeles. I don’t go out to shows too much, I pretty much live in the studio and mostly know people around LA from producing and working with songwriters.

Scott: I was born and raised in Australia but now I live in an igloo.

Select two songs from your just released EP2 and what inspired the lyrics.
Scott: I don’t really like divulging too much on the lyrics as I don’t want that to take away from the listeners interpretation, but I wrote Stay Young after getting my wisdom teeth taken out and the song Broken was initially written thinking of a female artist singing it.

How close is The Brinks to recording a full length?
Matt: Sometimes we write songs incredibly fast and some of the time deliberate for months and months so who can say. We need a magic 8 ball.

What could one expect from a live The Brinks show?
Matt: Live we play with a full band. Expect sonic fortitude and sultry falsetto.

If The Brinks could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Matt: Elvis. Just cause his crowd would be like “Whaaaat the fuuuuuck????!!!”

Scott: The impending alien arrival.

One of your songs Temporary Love has had 35,000,000 streams on Spotify. What goes through your mind when you see a number like that associated with one of your songs?
Matt: It feels great because big numbers feel good when talking about releasing music into the world. But its such a large number that its pretty abstract to actually wrap our brains around it.

Are you involved with any other bands or projects outside of The Brinks?
Matt: Writing with a bunch of other artists. We co-wrote on two songs on Kimbra’s new album out Jan 19th!

What’s up next for The Brinks in the New Year?
Matt: Surfing, Cryptocurrency, Media Training, Dog Training, Trains. Lots of stuff really.

Any final words of wisdom?
Matt: Follow Oprah on twitter.
Scott: Follow Stedman in real life.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

The Brinks on Facebook

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