Black Velvet at Ultimate Jam Night #150
Melissa K. of Black Velvet at Ultimate Jam Night #150
Black Velvet, Ultimate Jam Night #150, The Whisky, April 17, 2018
Ultimate Jam Night presented a thrilling evening at the world famous Whisky A Go Go on the Sunset Strip dedicated to 80’s Hair Metal bands, featuring a special guest appearance by the Nelson Brothers! In their grand and commendable tradition with inviting compelling bands to open their shows, Ultimate Jam Night unveiled Black Velvet – a tremendously underrated Los Angeles collective. Ready to rock out The Whisky’s early arrivals in nothing short of an epic way, Black Velvet unleashed their own spirited version of spellbinding hard rock and roll. The last time Black Velvet enraptured The Whisky was in direct support to the legendary Missing Persons, and their return to the iconic venue was definitely a triumphant one.
From the opening refrains of Thunder and beyond, Black Velvet enveloped the room with a dazzling live rock show extravaganza. Melissa K. is one of the most bewitching vocals on the local Los Angeles music scene today, her soaring vocals and stunning stage presence bringing the songs to an ultra-vivid life. There is a theatrical magic to Melissa K.’s artistry, on display in rapturous songs such as Eyes Of Love and Sorceress.
In addition to Melissa K.’s alluring performance, the Black Velvet lineup features first rate musicians who truly send the material into the stratosphere. Guitarist Craig Pirtle exudes a ton of fierce charisma and absolutely shreds with skill and conviction. Tyler Renga from Mycah is the latest addition to the Black Velvet brigade, a quick study whose exhilarating axe work left an indelible impression. And what an absolutely stunning rhythm section Black Velvet possesses, featuring Christian Vieyra on bass and Eddie Ramos on drums.
A vibrant commencement to a night of kickass hair metal madness to be sure, here’s hoping we see a lot more of Black Velvet in future days in the City Of Angels and beyond. Achieving a captivating show filled with imagination and intrigue, Black Velvet is primed and ready to break it out into the big leagues! Stay tuned!