The Explosive Stadium Rock of Kissin’ Dynamite

The Explosive Stadium Rock of Kissin’ Dynamite

Based out of Germany, Kissin’ Dynamite is ready to rock your world with their explosive stadium-like anthems.  Ecstasy is the name of the latest Kissin’ Dynamite manifesto, arriving via Metal Blade Records on July 5th.  From the opening refrains of I’ve Got The Fire, Kissin’ Dynamite unleashes a thrilling collection of tunes that hard rock and roll fans will want to revisit time and again.  They’ve toured with the one and only U.D.O., and will soon be hitting the road in Europe with the mighty Powerwolf.

Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with Kissin’ Dynamite’s charismatic front man Hannes Braun to find out more about the exhilarating Ecstasy, future touring plans, being on the road in direct support of the legendary Udo Dirkschneider, and a whole lot more!  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Kissin’ Dynamite and how long the band has been together.
Hi man! Kissin´Dynamite is a German rock band with the same founding members of 2007. Our music is highly influenced by the bands we love most: Guns N’ Roses, Bon Jovi, Scorpions, etc.  And our mission is: Bringing back stadium rock!

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
We found this band in Southern Germany, where the majority of the band still lives. The music scene in Germany is pretty much like everywhere else: A lot of electronic music, Hip Hop and singer songwriter stuff. So it´s a pretty good place to do exactly the opposite! 🙂

Is there any overall story or concept behind the CD title Ecstasy?
The album title and the music on the album itself – describes all the extreme emotions every human should experience.  Life can be a big roller coaster ride. For us as a band it already was. So we want to spread some good vibes with our music, because this is what we think is the essence of good rock music.

Select two songs from Ecstasy and what inspired the lyrics.
1. I’ve Got The Fire: Everybody knows the feeling when you leave all old things behind, stand up getting out of the mud and screaming “I’m back, more than ever!”  This is the message of I’ve Got The Fire. And even more: Having so much positive energy you “infect” others with it! 🙂

2. Heart Of Stone: I think everybody knows a person who tries to hide his dark world behind a masquerade. Someone who smiles but feels like crying. This is never a good plan, because sooner or later you destroy yourself.  And in the end you have a heart of stone.

How does Ecstasy compare to the previous album Generation Goodbye?
The biggest difference is that we left behind the social criticism. Ecstasy has a more positive vibe for that reason. We zoomed in to the people and their emotions. Our emotions.  Also musically we wrote easier and clearer hooks that immediately stick to your mind. On Generation Goodbye we had 3 songs which were almost bombastic but on the new album we put our spotlight more on party and singalong tracks.

What could one expect from a live Kissin’ Dynamite show?
A highly entertaining and explosive rock show of course! We always give 150%, because we have fans who have been more than 100 times at a Kissin’ Dynamite show.  We don’t just stand on the stage and playing our instruments. We want a real connection with our fans and having pure ecstasy in the house.

What was the experience like touring with U.D.O.?
It was a fun time and it’s already long ago! Udo invited us in 2009 to his tour because he liked us and the music. This was a big compliment for us and as it was one of our first tours, we were crazy about playing every night!  After the last show our whole gear got completely broken in the bus trailer because in this night we had like Siberian winter temperatures in Germany. Luckily the tour was over then! 🙂

Did Udo ever perform Addicted To Metal with you in a live setting?
Unfortunately not yet, but maybe one time 🙂

What are you looking forward to the most about your upcoming tour with Powerwolf?
To bring our new songs “alive” and celebrate a big rock show every single night across Europe. It surely is gonna be a blast!
Other than that, Powerwolf are very nice guys and I think we’re gonna have also a good time together.

If Kissin’ Dynamite could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Queen! Because I think Freddie was THE best rock singer of all times and they only had awesome hits. No fillers, just killers! Also I would have loved to meet Freddie in person.

Has Kissin’ Dynamite ever played here in the States or plan to do so in future days?
We never played in the US so far, but this is a big goal for us. We don’t have concrete plans already but we hope that it will take place soon since we have an American record company now! 🙂

Are you involved with any other bands outside of Kissin’ Dynamite?
Andi and me (Hannes) are writing songs for other bands as well, such as Beyond The Black for example.  But as musicians we’re only part of Kissin’ Dynamite.

What’s up next for Kissin’ Dynamite?
We can’t wait to release “ECSTASY” and see the reactions of the people. This is surrounded by a lot of travelling for promotional events. And of course we can’t wait to hit the road again. We’re curious where this album is gonna take us…! 😉

Any final words of wisdom?
Spread some love and have permanent vacation!

Kissin’ Dynamite is:
Hannes Braun – vocals
Ande Braun – guitar
Jim Müller – guitar
Andi Schnitzer – drums
Steffen Haile – bass

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Kissin’ Dynamite on Facebook

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