The Grand and Epic Soundscapes of Crossing Eternity

The Grand and Epic Soundscapes of Crossing Eternity

Crossing Eternity is a trio of wondrously imaginative musicians ready to absolutely rock your world.  With roots in both Romania and Sweden, Crossing Eternity unveil their own dramatic brand of symphonic power metal that is exciting to behold.  The Rising World is the name of their thrilling full length debut for Rockshot Records, jammed packed with intriguing compositions that will surely dazzle the senses.  Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with lead vocalist Berti Barbera to find out a whole more about the grand and epic soundscapes of Crossing Eternity.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Crossing Eternity, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Berti Barbera and I am the lead vocalist of the band. Crossing Eternity formed in the summer of 2017, based on a set of good songs and some solid friendship.

Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
Crossing Eternity is based in Bucharest, where me and Manu live. The musical scene is not very varied, pretty much mainstream driven, but also there are some bands with very enthusiastic and talented musicians who found their own voices.

How did you wind up signing with Rockshots Records?
There was a very fluent and constructive discussion and here we are. They are a dynamic company, with a clear modern vision and it’s a pleasure to work with them.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title The Rising World?
It’s the idea of rising the world you want to live in, compared to the real one. There’s a thin line that separates each other and we all need to complete it. And we think it can be done wisely, with trust, dreams and a little magic.

Select two songs from The Rising World and what inspired the lyrics.
Crossing Eternity – The thin line between the two worlds, the one we know and the one we want can be blurred by a thought across eternity. It’s the first song we recorded.

Ghost of a Storm – When your world is colliding, you are using your tears and despair to calm the storm. It all goes around hope.

Who produced The Rising World and what was it like working with them?
The Rising World” is musically a band production. Manu is the jack of all treats. And the eventual teaming with Rockshots Records is exactly what we wanted as a next step. We get together wonderfully.

What could one expect from a live Crossing Eternity show?
A big crystal clear sound and a blast with the fans. I am taking some kendo lessons to be sure I won’t hit my band mates on stage with the microphone stand.

What was the experience like opening for Uriah Heep and did you get to hang out with them at all?
Any experience of that kind gives you the privilege of meeting great musicians who happen to be great guys in the same time. Some of them influenced us, and now we’re chatting over a glass of wine or something. There are so many things to talk about that I would take them all home. But the great memories remain. Uriah Heep is a bunch of kind and funny lads.

Another band you opened for was the legendary Scorpions. What was that experience like?
I can tell you the story about me playing with the Scorpions. I was hosting a TV show where they were just guests, sitting on a table. They were in Romania for a festival and I had the pleasure of having them in my live music show. No plans for Scorpions on stage, though. Two minutes before coming live on air, their drummer came to my percussion instruments and started to play with them making me think that the show is over, it’s a disaster broadcast live over the whole country. I couldn’t stop the stormy drummer who suddenly sat on the drums and started to play. One second later, the whole band was on stage making it up and the moment the show started we were all playing “Rock you like a hurricane”. Imagine how I felt. It was sudden, natural and funny. We had a great laugh after the show, also because at a certain moment, the same drummer was dragging me by the pony tail around the stage. In other situations, if anyone does this to me is turned upside down in ten seconds. But how can you hurt a crazy drummer, live on national TV? We met after a couple of years and had another laugh about it.

If Crossing Eternity could open for a band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
We’ll open for Kamelot on the 16th of august and then …we’re just happy to be part of this family. We will share the stage with any band that fits in the picture. As soon as the audience is satisfied, we’ve done our job. If you ask me, I would like to meet the guys from Myrath. I totally admire their evolution in a pretty short time and they made four perfect albums. But we are really appreciating all our colleagues work and talent.

Has Crossing Eternity ever played in North America or plan to do so in future days?
Never played there, but we’re obviously working on it. Playing America is a must. We’ll se you there, keep the beers cold!

What is your favorite beer of choice and why?
I’m a Pilsner guy, when I drink beer, mostly after a rugby match or training. It’s good hydration.

What’s up next for Crossing Eternity?
Make a good plan and hit the road. We’re so keen to play our music to the world!

Any final words of wisdom?
Make the right choice and always speak with our own voice.

Berti Barbera – Lead Vocal/percussion instruments,
Manu Savu – Guitar/ Bass/ Keyboards
Uffe Tillman – Drums / Percussion

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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