Music Tastes Good 2018 Coverage – Spotlight on Lil B (The BasedGod)

Lil B: See God Live

Flashing strobes sucked in streams of listeners right to the BasedGod’s feet. Using only dreads and a microphone, Lil’ B challenged us to reconsider our expectations. There was this underlying understanding that Lil’ B had rehearsed his set for 8 months just to know how to move past anything predictable.

Lil B’s humor and down-to-earth presence made us the most captivated audience to have ever existed. He seemed to be ridiculing the act of performing itself. It is this kind of attention and awareness that helps musicians connect to their audience. If you repeat, in a capella, one line of your songs over and over and over again and for ten minutes, then you give your audience something unique. Like an inside joke they can laugh at and exponentially enjoy. Something they can only get live.

The borders between recording and live performance is only well traversed by the best musicians. What made Lil’ B interesting was that he only recalled his digital self. The Lil B we met was unlike any other Lil B we have seen before. Unique to this isolated moment in space and time, the improvisational capabilities of the musical act made for extraordinary memories and genuine hilarity. He performed 8 minute+ renditions of “I Love You” and “Wonton Soup.”

If you skimmed the rest of this article just understand that you need to GO SEE HIM LIVE. We can see god, when he is The BasedGod.

(Interview and Photo by Chris Vinan)

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