The Scorching Refrains of Silent Theory

The Scorching Refrains of Silent Theory
Silent Theory present a stunning amalgamation of rock and metal, complete with compelling lyrics that absolute captivate the senses. Their latest single Before The Storm is as powerful as it is addictive, giving music fans a taste of what’s in store from Silent Theory in 2019 and beyond. Highwire Daze Online recently interviewed lead singer Dakota Elliot Tyler to find out a whole lot more about Silent Theory and their vibrantly scorching refrains. Read on…
Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Silent Theory, and how long the band has been together.
Hi, I’m Dakota and I’m the lead singer of Silent Theory. I’ve been with the band since 2014 but the guys have been together since 2010.
Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
We are based out of Moscow, Idaho. The scene here is small, so we play in Spokane and Lewiston, both of which are easy commutes for us and the music community in both of those cities are pretty solid. A lot of talent in the northwest.
Is there any overall story or concept behind your new single Before The Storm?
Absolutely. The song is about addiction. Specifically the opioid crisis. How it can grab a hold of anyone and how frightening it is to watch yourself slip over and over again. Having no control and being swept out to sea was the concept and we’re happy with its reception.
Watch Me Burn is another new Silent Theory song. What inspired the lyrics for that particular song?
“Watch Me Burn” is an atmospheric song. We wrote it one day on Mitch’s back porch during the peak of election season. We aren’t a political band, but we like to write about the atmosphere of the here and now.
How close is Silent Theory to releasing an all-new album or EP?
Close. Writing has begun. We hope to be in studio before spring.
What could one expect from a live Silent Theory show?
Consistency. We play tight but we have fun. We do our best to sound like what you hear on the album while not trying to be boring.
What was the experience like playing the world famous Whisky A Go Go on the Sunset Strip?
I actually wouldn’t know, I wasn’t in the band at the time but from what they tell me, it was great!
If Silent Theory could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
I’m going to take liberties with my answer but I would want to open for Papa Roach. That would be a sold out show no matter what you go.
Any strange or scary happening on the road or at a Silent Theory show?
Strange? No. Brutal? Yes. We had problems with our bus, Millie (R.I.P.) all tour from overheating, the retractable canopy flying open at 65 mph, wheel side airbags deflating, you know, the good stuff. Until finally she blows a gasket right outside Denver on the shoulder of the freeway in the middle of a lightning storm on our way to open for Saliva in Grand Junction, CO. 130 miles away. So that was fun. We ended up leaving her in Denver and U-hauling it the rest of the tour.
What’s up in the New Year for Silent Theory?
New music and live shows. We are hoping for a spring release and a tour this summer to support the new album.
Any final words of wisdom?
It’s fun to be weird. Some of our best people are.
Silent Theory is:
Dakota Elliot Tyler – vocals
Scott Swanger – guitar
Bob James – guitar
George Swanger – bass
Mitch Swanger – drums
(Interview by Ken Morton)
Silent Theory on Facebook