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Alone In The Dark – Acoustic EP by Villain Of The Story (VOTS)

Alone In The Dark – Acoustic EP by Villain Of The Story (VOTS)

Alone In The Dark – Acoustic EP by Villain Of The Story (VOTS)

Based out of the Minneapolis, MN music scene, Villain Of The Story has released two solid albums of passionate metalcore which included time spent on Stay Sick Recordings. The band has been on shows with the likes of I Prevail and Wage War, garnering a good deal of attention with their dynamic songs and emotional lyrical content. And now with the unveiling of their Alone In The Dark – Acoustic EP, Villain Of The Story unveils an entirely different chapter to their sonic legacy. Featuring four fan favorites stripped down, Alone In The Dark presents a band at their most compelling and imaginative. The passionate lyrics and melodic reveries are clearly at the forefront, and what an exhilarating experience Villain of the Story has in store for their listeners.

Powerless was the strongest song from their debut recording Wrapped In Vines, Covered In Thorns, and the acoustic version found within kicks off the EP with a sweeping amount of urgency and conviction. “I’m crying out for something or someone to give me a reason to live,” are amongst the powerful lyrics found throughout this standout track. Decay from their second album Ashes is up next, especially effective in this reimagined version with a melancholic piano weaving through the persuasively heartfelt vocal lines such as “my mind feels like a child left alone in the dark.”

Peace Of Mind shines acoustically with its “finally I’m able to see the place I’m meant to be” sentiments accompanied by a vibrantly pensive soundscape. And then closing out the Alone In The Dark experience way too soon is Without You, with its gripping keyboards and the “I can’t believe you’re out of reach” lyrical content tearing gently into the heart of the matter.

Villain Of The Story has been one of the most underrated bands in the metalcore genre, and Alone In The Dark is further proof of just how talented and resourceful this collective truly is. Villain Of The Story consists of Christian Grey on vocals, Logan Bartholomew on vocals, Cody Pauly on guitar, and Page Brownie on bass. It will be exciting to see where Villain Of The Story’s auditory journey ventures out to next. In the meantime, check out Alone In The Dark – Acoustic EP by Villain Of The Story and prepare to discover (or revisit) one of the best kept secrets of the metalcore genre.

(Review by Ken Morton)

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