The NAMM Show Interviews with Eric Ragno of Khymera, Pete Fry of FarCry, and Jack Frost of Seven Witches

The NAMM Show Interviews with Eric Ragno of Khymera, Pete Fry of FarCry, and Jack Frost of Seven Witches

The NAMM Show Interviews with Eric Ragno of Khymera, Pete Fry of FarCry, and Jack Frost of Seven Witches

The NAMM Show 2020 took place at the Anaheim Convention Center in January where musicians gathered from around the world to check out the latest and greatest in new products and gear.  Highwire Daze magazine was there with a booth and hosting band signings throughout the four days.  And what an honor it was to have three of the most respected musicians in rock visiting us to do a meet and greet with the fans and chat about their latest projects.  Including in this trio were Eric Ragno of Khymera, Pete Fry of FarCry, and Jack Frost of the legendary Seven Witches.  Read on as we catch up with these dynamic musicians just prior to their NAMM Show signing at the Highwire Daze Booth

Say your name and what you are the most excited about with The NAMM Show this year.

Eric Ragno:  I’m Eric Ragno and I’m excited to see my friend Jack Frost.

Pete Fry:  I’m Pete Fry from FarCry and I’m just happy to be here.

Jack Frost:  I’m Jack Frost and it’s an honor to be at your magazine.  And Eric, I appreciate you hooking me up with this.  NAMM’s such a great place to be man.  Everyone is so cool and you get to play with all these amazing musicians.  It’s awesome!  Thanks for having me.

So what are each of you up to in your careers right now?

Eric Ragno:  The new Khymera record called Master Of Illusions is coming out in March, which is a real keyboard heavy record with Dennis Ward – who is performing tonight with Gus G over at the House Of Blues if you are around.  I’m also on the new FarCry record which comes out this year, which I’m excited about.   There’s always stuff going on.  It’s an exciting year.

Pete Fry:  So we’ve got a new FarCry record coming out as Eric mentioned.  We’re currently shopping for labels.  It’s all recorded – mix is almost done – Eric is on a couple tracks.  With my other band Jaded Past, we’ll be doing two weeks in Europe with Bonfire doing direct support for them.  So that’s a lot of fun.  And that’s it and I’ll hand it over to Jack.

Jack Frost:  There’s a lot going on. Seven Witches has decided to do the original lineup again with James Rivera back on vocals.  So we just got a new offer, and we’re going to start getting into the studio doing that.  We just did the 700,000 Tons Cruise which was just awesome!  Also Alessandro from Frontiers Records has me doing some writing with him doing some records.  And tonight I’m ectstatic because I’m part of the Ronnie Montrose Bash and I’m getting to play with guys like James Kottak and Andrew Freeman – and Keith St John he’s just an awesome guy.  I’m going to go over the moon man.  I did the Ultimate Jam on Tuesday and I did the Heavy Metal Hall Of Fame on Wednesday and I can’t be more happier.  I’m out there again.  I miss playing so this is a great time!

(Interview by Ken Morton – Photo by Jack Lue)

Khymera on Facebook
FarCry on Facebook
Seven Witches on Facebook

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