Down In Wühan – single by We Are The Black Things (Tone Raven Music)

Down In Wühan – single by We Are The  Black Things  (Tone Raven Music)

Down In Wühan – single by We Are The Black Things (Tone Raven Music)

We Are The Black Things possesses all the classic qualities of a band seeking the Hollywood rock and roll dream. But this time, Tone Raven and his crew venture away from the streets of Tinseltown to explore the nightmares of another city entirely with their brand-new single entitled Down In Wühan. As dark and foreboding as you would expect, Down In Wühan commences the next chapter to the sonic infamy of We Are The Black Things. From the haunting vocals and imaginative guitar work of Tone Raven and the stunning contributions from each and every band member, Down In Wühan is as timely and mind blowing as anything this pandemic age has unleashed upon the world.

In addition to the hard work and driving passion for his art from the one and only Tone Raven, We Are The Black Things consists of co-conspirators Scott Garrett on drums, Frank Garrett on bass, Rae “Owl” Starling on keyboards, and Luthario Mitcho on turntable. Stay tuned, because We Are The Black Things will assault your senses with a brand-new full length this summer and it’s guaranteed to be intriguing and well worth seeking out!

(Review by Ken Morton)

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