Sweet Spine at The Moroccan Lounge – Live Review

Sweet Spine at The Moroccan Lounge – Live Review

Sweet Spine, The Moroccan Lounge, January 18, 2024

The grunge scene is coming back with a vengeance, with up-and-coming bands such as Sweet Spine spinning their own exhilarating modern day take into the much-revered genre. Sweet Spine made their way into Southern California for two local performances, including a stop at the trendy Moroccan Lounge in the heart of Downtown L.A. This power trio sent the entire room into the stratosphere with a thoroughly energetic set amped up to a ten and beyond. Grunge influences may abound, but one can also hear traces of shoegaze and punk, rendering a night with Sweet Spine an absolutely intriguing live experience.

From the mesmerizing refrains of Dream Eater and on, Sweet Spine captured the audience’s undivided attention. Songs such as Bong Water, 888, and 20 Days sent the room spinning with their rapturous reprieves.

Fox Haynes is a thrilling front man, spewing out the lyrics with a stunning sense of conviction while filling the venue with a maximum dose of shred guitar. Bassist Taylor Priola unveils a mind-numbing low end that is dazzling to behold. And then there’s drummer supreme Brannan Crook bringing it all home with a sheer ferocity!

Expect to witness great and glorious things from Sweet Spine in the year ahead. With live performances this adventurous along with talent and charisma galore, it will be exciting to see what this amazing band has in store for us all! Be sure to check out their latest single 888 and all their other brilliant songs on Spotify and DO NOT miss Sweet Spine the next time they arrive for a grunge rock and roll explosion at a venue near you!

(Review by Ken Morton – Photos by Jack Lue)

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