Aurora View at Knucklehead – Live Review

Aurora View at Knucklehead – Live Review

Aurora View, Knucklehead, Hollywood, CA., February 8, 2024

Aurora View headlined the Fresh Fest at Knucklehead presented One Percent Productions, and what an adventure the entire evening was! For those who have been in the L.A. music scene for a while, Knucklehead is located where the iconic Dragonfly club used to be. I remember seeing Sugar Ray there in the 90’s right when they were signed to Atlantic Records and before their song Fly launched them into the stratosphere.

The same kind of star making night was happening again, with the club packed to the rafters when Highwire Daze arrived right in the middle of Danny Goo’s dynamic opening set. Other performers on the bill included Noah Pepper, Ty Arenas, Chloe, and Fran Roz. Knucklehead was obviously the place to be. And closing out night would be the amazing Aurora View, bringing their own brand of rapturous alternative rock to the proceedings.  From the spiraling notes of the opening song and throughout the entire set, there was an absolute sense of danger and intrigue to be found. The soundscapes of Aurora View reverberated throughout the trendy venue, clearly captivating the late-night crowd.

Dylan Handrich is an inspiring lead singer whose performance really captures your attention – imagine an amalgamation of David Bowie and Gerard Way brought together with an ultra-modern state of mind, and you are only just beginning to envision what Dylan is capable of onstage. Kyle Roy supplies a euphoric wall of sound of piercing guitar artistry, while bassist Aaron Handrich and drummer Simon Beck (Cheridomingo) unleash a devastating rhythm section assault to the senses.

And how dramatic it was when during one their most intensely primal songs entitled Skiin, a fire truck and ambulance showed up to temporarily halt the show and take a member of the audience away. After the medical emergency was taken care of, the band resumed with the rest of their absolutely pulse raising performance.

Aurora View is definitely one of the most compelling and imaginative bands on the local L.A. music scene today. With a collective of musicians this talented and sonic reveries that are exhilarating and subversive, it will be super exciting to see what the future has in store for this and coming local band. David Bowie once said, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” The same could very well be expressed about the Aurora View live experience. Stay tuned…

(Review by Ken Morton – Photos by Jack Lue)

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