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Atlantis Drive by Atlantis Drive (Pride & Joy Music)

Atlantis Drive by Atlantis Drive (Pride & Joy Music)

Atlantis Drive by Atlantis Drive (Pride & Joy Music)

Atlantis Drive is the latest creation of German guitarist Markus Pfeffer, best known for his absolutely brilliant work in Barnabas Sky and Lazarus Dream. Joining Markus for this sonic odyssey are the one and only Mark Boals from Shining Black and ex-Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force, French keyboardist Jorris Guilbaud of Devoid and Heart Line, and drummer Markus Kullmann of Sinner and Voodoo Circle. And this meeting of massively amazing talent is on fire, presenting one of the most thrilling debut albums of the year!

Kicking off the Self-Titled endeavor with the superbly anthemic Way Back When, Atlantis Drive instantly hooks the listener in. Medusa Smile is then up next, a brilliant track that should be slamming all over the worldwide radio airwaves. Living For The Moment is another standout, filled to the brim with positivity and hope.

And the sweeping songs keep on arriving, highlighted by the gloriously melodic Brand New Start, the vibrant dynamics of Faith, and the poignant refrains of Farewell To A Friend. And be sure to listen to the very end to experience the 8-minute plus Heroes magnum opus, closing out our visit across Atlantis Drive on a stunningly ambitious note.

With the arrival of Atlantis Drive, hard rock and AOR fans will surely find their very own soundtrack to the summer of 2024 and beyond. Congrats to Markus Pfeffer and all involved with Atlantis Drive on such an amazing debut album! Here’s hoping we hear a lot more from Atlantis Drive in future days.

(Review by Ken Morton)

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