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Random Eyes: Modern Metal On A Mission

Random Eyes: Modern Metal On A Mission

Christian Palin of Random Eyes

Random Eyes: Modern Metal On A Mission

Random Eyes is truly a modern metal band on a mission, ready to rock your world in a vast and epic way!  Grieve No More is the name of their latest magnum opus and will be available January 19th via Rock’N’Growl Records.   Random Eyes skillfully presents a dynamic collection of sonic entreaties that will surely captivate the senses of all types of music aficionados.

Highwire Daze Online recently caught up with lead vocalist and founding member Christian Palin to discuss the unveiling of the almighty Grieve No More, some of the lyrics contained within, comparisons to his other band Panorama, and other vibrant topics of intrigue!  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Random Eyes, and how long the band has been together.
My name is Elis Christian Enrique Palin born and raised in Uruguay, now I live in Finland.  With Random Eyes, I started the whole saga in 2003 writing stuff with my band mates, we been through hell and back, many changes regarding line up and music style. now the band is ready to move again with young musicians searching for new adventures. Now Random Eyes is back with ‘Grieve No More‘, and are on a mission to bring hope and light to a world caught in disarray and chaos.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
Our band headquarters are located in my hometown Jyväskylä “rock city”.  Jyväskylä is a lively, versatile city of sport, movement and well-being in which over 5 000 events are staged annually. Jyväskylä is situated in the middle of Finland, right in the heart of Finnish lakeland. The city that follows in the footsteps of the world-famous architect Alvar Aalto can offer visitors some amazing encounters with nature in the middle of the city as well as a variety of thought-provoking culture. Jyväskylä challenges people to get moving and enjoy some refreshing physical recreation that leaves a mark – on each and every one of us in a unique way!  Finland is by far the most metal country in Europe. Here bands help each other since we are people of hard work and nice manners.  So be welcome to check around.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the CD title Grieve No More?
The concept of the album is well explained by the artwork and lyrics.  It is the story of everyone who wants to wake up from their sleep to the reality of life.  Nothing is easy in life, no one has crown but every fight you have will make you stronger and wiser. When you feel restricted by problems it is good to stop to think and meditate.  Through the silence you will find the answers to your difficulties. Sometimes it takes time, but every effort is important because it will help you to be faithful to your cause.  If you have diseases or struggles that have no end sometimes you want to surrender. I tell you do not give up – your moment of victory is near. Be strong as a warrior. Stay in your goal and you will be triumphant.

Select two songs from Grieve No More and what inspired the lyrics.
Do What Thou Wilt – it’s about Aleister Crowley , he was a smart dark soul ;).
His worldviews were influenced by the European occult movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Informed by the ideas of Freemasonry and Theosophy, both of these significant personalities supported the doctrines of the survival of the fittest, the primacy of the human will and the ideal of a feudal slave state.  Crowley entered every secret organization that would let him join—he was known to be a member of Freemasonry, the Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Tempi Orientis, a German satanic group.  These aforementioned demonic values serve as the model for the New World Order, where the principles of Crowley will cover the entire Earth.  As you see, I did my homework and I’m informed.  Random Eyes is not dealing with such a “ideology”, I wanted to make lyrics regarding the music world and warn you to stay alert.

The Final Quest: the lyrics.  The letters tells about as evil of this world has already lost the battle, and only has little time to make calamities. At the same time, if you fill yourself with positivity and kindness you can reach many lives in the middle of the war 😉

Who designed the cover art for Grieve No More and how much input did you have on it?
Art work was made by Andy Pilkington. Very Metal Art, I tell you he kick ass!

How did you wind up on Rock ‘N’ Growl Records?
Since we work together in Panorama, I met him trough Sammy Lasagni.  I heard Mr Axel kick ass and he is pro, so end of story. We work together in harmony.

What is a live Random Eyes show like for those of us who have yet to see you play?
I will answer you with some lines : RANDOM EYES is most definitely a LIVE band, exuding strong charisma and energy from the stage, in addition to killer attitude.

If Random Eyes could open up for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Anthrax, Annihilator, Metallica, Megadeth.  We are the new and old generation of metal.

How does Random Eyes compare to your other band Panorama?
Bands can’t be compared because my voice sounds different in these bands.  My option in Random Eyes is more aggressive and theatrical, as you can see my use of voice is more crazy in Random Eyes, because our music is unlimited in my imagination.  Random Eyes is like my personality to full 100%.  I know how to use the voice in different styles of music, because inside in my brain I see everything in colors. And it depends how the music will be my voice. The human voice has many nuances. You need to go beyond what you really know.

Would Random Eyes and Panorama ever want to tour or do a show together? Or has that already happened?
Are you kiddng me lol?  That means I would use my voice almost 4 hours on a stage.  I think I humanely know my limits, but can stretch like a chewing gum – but it’s not wise .

What’s up next for Random Eyes?
We are training to play live, and tour around the world ? lol

Any final words of wisdom?
Stay sharp. Life is short. Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Random Eyes is:
Christian Palin – Vocals (Panorama, ex-Adagio)
Markus Grimald – Lead guitars
Hercules Buccolieri – Guitars (Ill Confine)
Daniel Pfister – Bass (Gods Of Silence, ex-Kirk)
Pihilipp Eichenberger – drums (Panorama, Gods Of Silence, ex-Kirk)

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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