Situation Room by Hüsband (Konst Musik)

Situation Room by Hüsband (Konst Musik)

Situation Room by Hüsband (Konst Musik)

Jonas Carnemark of Hüsband was making the rounds at The Namm Show at The Anaheim Convention Center, and presented Highwire Daze with a CD of his band’s just released Situation Room manifesto. Based out of Bethesda, Maryland, Hüsband unveil their own driving brand of melodic pop rock that really makes the listener stand up and take notice.

Situation Room kicks off with the warm grooving reveries of Too Big To Fail, at once demonstrating Hüsband’s superb knack for infectious melodies and cheekily perceptive wordage.  Good Editor commences with a wistfully sentimental keyboard that merges into a scathing testament about the creation and criticism of writing and art as the song muses “If you’ve nothing to say then don’t bother, if you do make sure it’s understood.Aim Low hits the target tenfold as vocalist Michael Kervin astutely expresses “keep a hold of your key demographic, give them the slop they desire.

The wit and wisdom of Hüsband continues on, including the diabolically memorable Dingos Took My Baby Away – a tune you’ll be singing long after the Situation Room spins to its conclusion. And be sure to stay until the very end of the disc to experience The Further Adventures Of Flyspeck And Zweiback and the combustible refrains of the rocking Glisten, both selections exhibiting Hüsband at their most visionary and sublime.

While the music found within Situation Room by Hüsband is deceptively laid back, the lyric sheet must be followed for maximum impact. The entire package is vibrantly refreshing even as it administers a good swift kick in the head upon the world at large. The musicians who unleash the imaginative Hüsband tapestries include Michael Kervin on bass and vocals, Jonas Carnemark on guitar and backing vocals, Amit Chatterjie on keyboards, and Jim Sullivan on drums. Imagine the wicked candor of Elvis Costello combined with the slick persuasive reveries of Steely Dan, and you are only just beginning to envision the auditory odyssey Hüsband has in store for you.

(Review by Ken Morton )

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