The Immortal Rocking Sounds of Last Kiss Goodnight

The Immortal Rocking Sounds of Last Kiss Goodnight

Photo Credit: Elise Pizarro

The Immortal Rocking Sounds of Last Kiss Goodnight

Formed in 2018, Maryland-based hard rock outfit Last Kiss Goodnight is a collective of seasoned musicians who have each performed alongside some of the top names in rock music.  Last Kiss Goodnight recently unveiled their debut album Immortal upon the world at large, and they recently played opened for Jimmie’s Chicken Shack at the Fish Head Cantina in Baltimore.  Fans of acts such as Godsmack, Soundgarden and Shinedown are destined to discover a new favorite when encountering the exhilarating refrains found within Last Kiss Goodnight.

Highwire Daze recently caught up with vocalist Ray Patricks to find out a whole lot more about the amazing band on the rise ready to slam into the big leagues in nothing short of a grand and epic way.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Last Kiss Goodnight, and how long the band has been together.
I’m Ray Patricks. I am the singer for Last Kiss Goodnight. We’ve been together for about a year and a half.

Where is the band based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
A majority of us are based in Baltimore,MD. I live in Seattle,WA. I travel back and forth for rehearsals, recordings, and shows. The Baltimore music scene is full of all types of talented artist/musicians. You can go out to any type of music venue on any given night in baltimore and find something new. it’s a scene that is always changing but still keeps its sense of community and creativity.

What was your band and musical background prior to joining Last Kiss Goodnight?
We all come from many different walks of the “Rock” community in the Baltimore music scene. A couple of us (Kevin and Rob) had played in bands together before. But we have all known each other or known of each other before putting LKG together. I was in the alt. rock band Agents of the Sun (DCide Records) from 2002-2009. Agents cut two records (Aurora and MOAFS) and toured all over the country with a lot of other national acts (311, Papa Roach, Unwritten Law).

Is there any overall story of concept behind the album title Immortal?
Everyone has there go to band or bands when they listen to music. We set out to make an album of songs that would not only impact the listener but also make an album that would withstand the test of time.

Select two songs from Immortal and what inspired the lyrics.
Miss Anything and Stitches.
The band inspired Miss Anything. The whole writing, recording, and touring aspects of this band has been very magical. The excitement about this project is constant and won’t miss a moment of the mundane (the day to day of traffic, work, traffic, home) after we take off!

What did producer Frank Marchand (Bob Mould, The Obsessed, Jimmie’s Chicken Shack) contribute to the overall recording process?
Frank was a huge part of the process. Frank helped hone in a lot of the finer details and dynamics for each of the songs on the album. He kept production going even when we hit walls musically and emotionally. Frank is definitely a master at what he does and he helped to capture our first album the way we wanted people to hear it.

What could one expect from a live Last Kiss Goodnight show?
Energy. Power. Passion. Musicality. Fans and Friends singing and dancing to all the songs. You should come out! We definitely bring the rock!

How did your show with Jimmie’s Chicken Shack go and what were some of the highlights?
The show went great. We packed the house. Lots of great energy. People were jumping up and down to the beat and singing along to all of our songs. And It’s always a positive experience playing with Jimmie’s Chicken Shack.

Has Last Kiss Goodnight ever played here in the Los Angeles/OC area or plan to so in future days?
Not yet. We are looking forward to when we venture out there. But it will happen. People can keep up to date with our tour schedule by check out our website and facebook page.

If Last Kiss Goodnight could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
There are a few…
Papa Roach
Dead Sara

And the reasons behind these few are this:
We would fit well together with those groups.
The experience would be amazing.
And the opportunity is all we need in order to make our music heard.

Are you or any other members involved with any other projects outside of Last Kiss Goodnight?
For Dan, Rob, and I, LKG is our only band.
Kevin is also in the Mayan Factor.
Carlo is also in 51peg.

What’s up next for Last Kiss Goodnight?
We are doing select dates in the mid atlantic region in support of our album. and we are constantly writing for our next record.

Any final words of wisdom?
Be kind to one another. Stay healthy. And check our Last Kiss Goodnight on Spotify also watch our new video for Miss Anything available on youtube!  Thank you!

Band Members
Ray Patricks (vocals)
Dan Stroud (Guitars)
Rob Lasky (Drums and percussion)
Carlo Pizarro (Guitars)
Kevin Baker (Bass)

(Interview by Ken Morton)

Last Kiss Goodnight on Facebook