Party Time and Chill at Slum Beach Denny with DENM

Photo Credit: Dave Kraina
Party Time and Chill at Slum Beach Denny with DENM
Fans of acts such as Slightly Stoopid, Dirty Heads, and Sublime are destined to encounter their next favorite auditory sensation when checking out the compositions of DENM. Based out of the legendary Southern California music scene, DENM has just released Slum Beach Denny – his full length debut album jam packed with superbly chill and memorable tunes. One of the songs from Slum Beach Denny features Jared Watson of Dirty Heads and he’s opened for Sublime In Rome at the House Of Blues Anaheim. DENM is more than ready to present his songs to the world in a live setting once more, ready to make new friends and memories in this post pandemic age. Highwire Daze recently caught up with the one and only DENM to find more about this amazing artist on the rise. Read on…
What was the name of the very first song you wrote, how old were you, and what was the song about?
I was 14, it was called “Alleys in My Mind” and it was about popping pills to forget the sorrow haha. Some dark shit!
Where are you based out of and what is your local music scene like there?
I grew up in San Diego/Santa Barbara and now based out of Orange County/Los Angeles area and since COVID, pretty quiet haha but bout to be poppin again!
Your upcoming album is entitled Slum Beach Denny. Is there any story or concept behind that title?
It’s just the biographical piece of my world, growin’ up. Bouncing around SoCal from different cities, there was always the same stuff. It’s just a beautiful melting pot of cultures, there’s no place in the world like it
Is there any overall story or concept behind the recent single Califas? And how did Jared Watson of Dirty Heads become involved with the song?
I DM’d him a while back with my song “My Wave” and he was like ‘oh sick, I vibe.’ So we hung out at the beach with the groms and then next week was in the studio sayin how I wanna make a punk rock and hip hop song with reggae flavors sprinkled in and he was like ‘dope let’s do it!’
Select any other song from Slum Beach Denny and what inspired the lyrics?
“Find Your Own” is just about having to grow up without a dad present and just dealing with addiction in my family and my life. Life is just batshit crazy and you gotta find your own way when nobody shows you how
Who did the cover art for Slum Beach Denny and how much influence did you have on it?
My homie Ginozko. He and I worked on it and wrestled with it for about a year. That’s our old house up in Isla Vista we’re posted up in front of.
What has it been like to write and release new music in the middle of a pandemic and all of the social unrest in the world?
Kinda weird cause you just don’t do anything when it comes out. Normally there are shows and things moving and happening, so it’s wild to just chill at home with the fam and watch it do its thing.
What could one expect from a live DENM show?
A wild, sweaty good time.
What was the experience like playing with Sublime With Rome at the House Of Blues in Anaheim and was that your last show prior to the pandemic?
Ya that was tight, last show before the pandemic ya! Lookin forward to getting back at it
If you could open for any band or artist either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
Probably Led Zeppelin at the Garden cause I would’ve just wanted to watch their set.
If the music of DENM was a donut, what kind would it be and why?
Maple bacon. Cause I’m lil salty, lil sweet, but overall a good time.
What do you hope 2021 brings for you and for the music world in general?
Lots and lots of great shows and redemption for the lack thereof in 2020.
(Interview by Ken Morton)
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