The Metal Revelations of Titan’s Wrath

The Metal Revelations of Titan’s Wrath

The Metal Revelations of Titan’s Wrath

Titan’s Wrath present the listener a stunning detonation of traditional heavy metal that is thunderous to experience.  Formed at the end of 2019 originally under the name Leviathan.  After playing a couple shows in the beginning of 2020, Leviathan looked to record their first demo only for the pandemic to derail their plans. After a couple of months of quarantine, Leviathan regrouped and decided to change the band’s name to Titan’s Wrath and went through some lineup changes. The lineup as of today consists of Garret (vocals), Tito (guitar), Riley (guitar), Dennis (bass) – (ex-Heretic, ex-Reverend) and Angel (drums).

In September of 2020, Titan’s Wrath recorded a demo which would be followed up by the band’s first EP titled “Into the Abyss”, which was released in April of 2021. Since then, Titan’s Wrath has played all over Southern California.  A second EP entitled “Will of the Beast” was recently issued, and now Titan’s Wrath is primed and ready to rage all across the world with their gripping compositions!

Highwire Daze recently interviewed guitarist Riley Phillips to find out more about the metal revelations of Titan’s Wrath.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Titan’s Wrath, and how long the band has been together.
Hello! Thanks for having me! My name is Riley Phillips and I’m one of the guitar players in Titan’s Wrath. We initially formed in 2019 as Leviathan but ended changing the name to Titan’s Wrath in 2020.

Where is the band based out of and what is your local metal/music scene like there?
We are based out of San Bernardino. There’s a lot of bands out here but there’s not really much of a scene. Most of the venue’s bands play out here are houses/DIY venues, but we all primarily go out to LA, Orange County, or Temecula to play bars or music venues.

Is there any overall story or concept behind the Will of the Beast EP title?
Not necessarily. Each song on the EP was inspired by history or various stories. The title, “Will of the Beast”, comes from the story of Revelations in the Bible and the arrival of the first beast. That was all our favorite song on the EP when we were writing it, so we decided to make that song the title of it.

Select two songs from Will of the Beast and what inspired the lyrics.
Hell’s Gate, the opening track, is actually about a local wive’s tale. There was a house that burned down in Corona in the 60s and the local legend is that a babysitter became possessed by a demon while watching some kids in the house. She then purposefully burned down the house, killing all of them inside, leaving the haunted charred remains of the house which can be still seen today. There’s a bunch of Tik Toks and YouTube videos about it since the remains of the house attract a lot of “Ghost hunters”. Just Google Hell’s Gate Corona.

Night Terror was inspired by the movie “Antlers”. I’m really interested in what I guess you can call Native American Cryptids and Wendigos are one of the several creatures that have been around for several years. After watching the movie, I wrote the lyrics to the song and it’s been a crowd favorite live.

Who produced Will of the Beast and what was it like working with them?
Our good friend Art Paiz (Condemned, Hate Eternal) of Primal Sound Studios recorded/mixed/mastered the EP as well as produced the EP alongside us. He’s worked with our drummer Angel and guitarist Tito in their previous band prior to Titan’s Wrath. It was a really fun and easy process recording. We definitely recommend him to everyone who is looking to record.

Who did the cover art for Will of the Beast and how much input did you have on it?
My good friend Chris owns a metal inspired gym wear clothing business called Metal N’ Iron. We really liked the artwork he was using for his shirts so we contacted his artist. He listened to the EP and then came up with the album art after. We all liked it and the rest is history.

What could one expect from a live Titan’s Wrath show?
One can expect a show that includes a lot of dual guitar harmonies, melodic riffs, fast double bass, and vocals that will take you back to the 80s. We put on a tight show that celebrates traditional heavy metal. If you’re a fan of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, or King Diamond, you’ll love what you see at one of our shows.

If Titan’s Wrath could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
For me personally, it would have to be Iron Maiden or Dio. Maiden is one of my favorite bands of all time and to open up for them would be awesome. Dio is one of my favorite solo artists and I think lyrically, we’d have some similar songs that would fit for a show together.

Are you involved with any other bands or projects outside of Titan’s Wrath?
Riley: Yes! I’m actually in a total of 4 bands. On top of Titan’s Wrath, I’m in an 80s cover band called Headbanger’s Ball (@headbangersballmusic) where we celebrate and cover songs from the TV show. I’m in a Thrash-core band out of San Diego called Drillbit (@drillbitmetal) and I just joined the hard rock/heavy metal outfit California Villain (@californiavillainofficial) from Temecula. All the original projects are on Spotify, YouTube, and everywhere else you can stream music. Check them out!

What’s up next for Titan’s Wrath?
As of right now, we are getting merch made as well as more physical copies of our new EP, “Will of the Beast”. Hopefully in the next month we will have our merch store up and running. With that in mind we are going to start planning some out of state shows towards the end of the year. Also we have been writing the follow up to, “Will of the Beast”. We want to drop our debut album for the next release, and we have about 5-6 songs demoed out so far. We are also busy with shows as we have 4 next month, including our first San Diego show on July 1st.

Any final words of wisdom?
I’m probably the last person that should give out any kind of wisdom so sorry if this sounds cliche, but for any musicians out there. Keep up the good fight and keep dropping music. Do what makes YOU happy. There’s a lot of really cool artists out there and it’s really cool to see more and more bands pop up in recent years. We’ve met so many talented bands through our journey and it’s just been getting better and better. On another note and one more piece of wisdom, go follow Titan’s Wrath on social media (Instagram) @titanswrathmetal. We are on every social media and streaming platform available. If you’re in San Diego July 1st, come see us at Brick by Brick. We also have multiple other shows planned throughout the month so take a look at our calendar on Facebook / Instagram and come out to a show.

(Interview by Ken Morton)

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