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Into The Timeless Everpresent with Vimur

Into The Timeless Everpresent with Vimur

Into The Timeless Everpresent with Vimur

Formed in 2006 as the singular musical vision of VaedisVimur is a black metal band from the American South. Despite its hot, humid origins, Vimur’s sound has a layer of icy frost seemingly shipped from beyond space and time.  Along the years, Vimur evolved into a full live-performing band, releasing three studio full-length albums, one EP and one live record. 2024 marks the collaboration between the Georgia-based band with long-standing Italian label Avantgarde Music to release the band’s fourth album, The Timeless EverpresentVimur has toured the States spreading their auditory artistry to the diehard metalheads, including a few shows here in the Los Angeles area.  Highwire Daze recently caught up with Vimur mastermind Vaedis Eosphorus to find out more about this absolutely compelling USBM horde.  Read on…

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Vimur, and how long the band has been together.
Greetings. I am Vaedis Eosphorus. My duties in Vimur are vociferations and arcane melodies (vocals and guitar for the uninitiated). Vimur started as a solo project in 2006. I recorded the first demo in 2007. It wasn’t until 2013 did the full lineup coalesce and begin playing shows/touring.

Where is Vimur based out of and what is the local music scene like there?
We are based out of Atlanta, Georgia. I can’t speak much on the local scene in Atlanta. I imagine like all “scenes” and cities, there is an ebb and flow. Peaks and valleys as far as how active it is.

How did you wind up signing with Avantgarde Music?
They were quick to respond when we sent our new album to them. They’re a classic label so we were very pleased to work with them. They’ve been great.

Is there any overall story or concept behind The Timeless Everpresent album title?
Somewhat, though I would say theme more than story. One concept is that forms change but ideas are eternal. The physical manifestation of an idea can appear different throughout time, but the idea or essence remains. We are more concerned with eternity than ephemera.

Select two songs from The Timeless Everpresent and what inspired the lyrics.
Some of what inspired the lyrics to, “Fire, Glory, and Thinking” is my aversion to the stagnant primitivism pervading a lot of underground black metal, at least in the USA. I don’t want to hear a clone, of a clone, of a clone. That is part of the inspiration at least. The other part of it is spiritually related.

Sons of Another Light” is inspired by the Sun behind the Sun. It is the invisible sun which contains all light and darkness. We are not children of the golden sun. We are the sons of the blackest light.

Who did the cover art for The Timeless Everpresent and how much influence did you have on it?
We did the cover ourselves this time, opting for a photo rather than a painting like our last three albums. This is a new era for Vimur and I wanted to reflect that in the album cover.

How did the recent Evergrowing Northern Darkness Tour go and what were some of the highlights?
Our tour with Sacramentum was excellent. They’re a classic band that people love and get excited for. The energy was great and the crowds were always receptive to us. Touring has its difficulties so it helps when you get along with your tour mates. All in all it was great.

The best show was Houston, TX as part of Destroying Texas Fest. The lineup was amazing, and the venue was packed with die-hards. Los Angeles was great. Wichita, KS is a city we were unsure of initially but ended up being excellent.

What was the experience like playing here in Los Angeles, and do you plan to return in future days?
We have played Los Angeles twice and absolutely will again. The first time was in 2016 at the 5 Star Bar with Hellgoat, courtesy of Hate War. In July 2024 we played at Don Quixote with Sacramentum, courtesy of Born for Burning. There’s a ton of metalheads in LA so we will be back.

If Vimur could open for any band either now or from the past, who would it be and why?
That’s nearly impossible to answer but I would say Danzig. He’s a legend in so many ways. I’d love to pick his brain. Even if he told me to fuck off that’d be cool too.

Looking back on your first album Traversing the Ethereal Current from 2014, what do you think of it now in retrospect and the fact that it’s been 10 years since the release?
I’m still very proud of that album. I wrote those songs when I was very young and still figuring a lot of things out. Some of those songs are 18 years old. There are several reasons for that album’s extremely delayed release. That album seems older than it technically is.

Are you currently involved with any other bands or projects outside of Vimur?
My other band is Hellgoat. Together with Vimur it is total black metal philosophy. I have a collaborative studio project called Striges and have been playing live guitar for Oldowan Gash.

What’s up next for Vimur?
We are a few songs into writing our next album. We will always be writing. Our most recent tour hit a lot of America. We need to get back to the Northeast. Our sights are set on Europe. Hopefully we can make that happen. In short, hopefully playing a lot more shows and eventually a new album.

Any final words of wisdom?
Reclaim your spiritual sovereignty!

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