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Psychodelic by Rich Kid Express (Squib Kick Records)

Psychodelic by Rich Kid Express (Squib Kick Records)

Psychodelic by Rich Kid Express (Squib Kick Records)

The Rich Kid Express has arrived, and they are ready to rock a pandemic weary nation with their super explosive anthems. Combining the aesthetics of classic rock, hair metal, bubble gum pop, and even punk, the Rich Kid Express will slam into you like train with the mighty Psychodelic, their brand-new album of ragers now available from Squib Kick Records.

Your conductor through this wild ride into the heart of Psychodelic is Rob Richardson, performing the entire 10 song journey with a sense of fiendish glee. From the frenzied attitude of Get Outta My Life to the roaring refrains of Cross The Line, Do It Your Way and beyond, Rich Kid Express chugs its sonic engine full speed ahead with memorable songs galore. Lovesick Blues is absolutely rapturous, and the ripping reverberations of Pink Eye is one infectious tune you’ll want to catch time and again.

In a world consumed with Coronavirus, confrontational politics, and not a live show in sight, Psychodelic is the aggressive remedy we all need and crave. Once the world opens, it will be exciting to see Rich Kid Express perform these amazing songs in concert! Stay tuned, because Psychodelic by Rich Kid Express is one groovin’ choo-choo that you’ll to book passage on early and often!

(Review bv Ken Morton)

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