Call Me – single by AIR-IK (1936529 Records DK)

Call Me – single by AIR-IK (1936529 Records DK)

Call Me – single by AIR-IK (1936529 Records DK)

Ever since his departure from the legendary underground sensations known as Willow Wisp, Air-Ik has kept himself active in the music scene – his latest projects include the superbly intensive Deathcryptopia and guest appearances with the KOFN Underground. His latest solo endeavor is a cover of a much-revered new wave classic – Blondie’s Call Me from the American Gigolo.

And what a mad and wonderful spin Air-ik places on the song, rendering it a wickedly dark and gothic reverie. A very imaginative effort to be sure, perhaps to be heard within the realm of a mysterious David Lynch movie, with Air-Ik creating his own stylish atmospherics throughout. Now available on all streaming platforms, Call Me, as unveiled by Air-Ik, takes a familiar tune into the most unexpected of places – complete with a disconnection notice at the grand finale. Absolutely brilliant!

(Review by Ken Morton)

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