Danny Goo and TJ Minor at The Bourbon Room – Live Review

Danny Goo – Photo @Linda Emord 2024
Danny Goo, TJ Minor, My EMX Spring Break Night, The Bourbon Room, April 5, 2024
My EMX Spring Break Night took place at The Bourbon Room on Hollywood Boulevard, headlined by the amazing Silos featuring Ray Garrison formerly of The Media Says. Ray is one hard working individual, running around the club making sure everything was going right – and at the end of night, Silos would put on an absolutely brilliant live performance! Silos is well on the way into the big leagues. Opening the show were Danny Goo and TJ Minor, two dynamic solo artists on the rise who captured the undivided attention of the early arrivals.
Danny Goo
Danny Goo has grown tremendously as an artist over the last couple of years. From his stunning Butterflies EP to his recent should-be radio hit Like Heroin, Danny Goo has captured the attention of social media with his expressing voice and intriguing ever changing looks. For the EMX Spring Break at the opulent Bourbon Room, Danny Goo was dressed to the nines in a suit and tie – and presented his own thrilling brand of pop punk and indie rock.
The room quickly filled up as Danny Goo would treat his fans to a preview of three brand new songs – instantly memorable and showing an artist more than ready to make an impact! And how wonderfully effective and magical Like Heroin sounded within a live setting, reaffirming just how imaginative Mr. Goo is as both a songwriter and performer. A very solid opening set from one of L.A.’s most epically underrated talents.
TJ Minor – Photo @Linda Emord 2024
TJ Minor
TJ Minor – remember that name, because you’ll be seeing and hearing it all over when the entire world discovers the amazing pop rocking tunes this recording artist has to offer. All this, and TJ exudes a massive charisma that will shoot him into the stratosphere of success. Opening with the infectious refrains of his just released single Narcissist, TJ set the Bourbon Room spinning early on. The rapturous tunes kept on arriving, with selections such as Ghost, Can’t See You Again, and Losing You leaving a definitive impact.
One of the highlights of the entire night was when TJ invited jordn day and Noah Cunane up onto the stage, and they all performed their Fine Without Me collaboration. So much talent was lighting up the Bourbon Room stage as the trio brought the song to an ultra-vivid life. That memorable moment would be followed by TJ presenting the wonderful Waste My Time to close out a way too short yet exhilarating set. TJ expressed a lot of love for his fans and performing live onstage, and you could tell by the crowd reaction that the feeling was infinitely mutual.
Both Danny Goo and TJ Minor recently participated in a Highwire Daze interview and photo shoot day at Dystopian Studios! Watch for the results in the next issue – out May 17th!
(Review by Ken Morton – Photos by Linda Emord)