Dark Funeral and Noctuary at The Regent

Dark Funeral, Noctuary at The Regent, February 22, 2018
With the arrival of Dark Funeral, Septic Flesh, and Thy Antichrist to Los Angeles, the metal throngs from the so-called City Of Angeles were in for an wickedly euphoric evening of black metal supreme.
This would be the first night of the tour, and The Regent Theater was packed to the rafters and beyond, all awaiting the arrival of these absolutely legendary collectives.
Also on the bill were local metal entities Noctuary and Witch Casket, revving up the crowd in a vast and epic way.
Presented by the long running Church Of The 8th Day founded by Mr. Daniel Dismal, Septic Flesh and Dark Funeral delivered the sinister goods and left the local metal hordes absolutely rapturous!
Here are a few of the bands Highwire Daze Online caught up with on this dark and evil night within the desolate confines of Downtown L.A. The Black Arts had arrived and it was time for the Satanic mass to commence within the hallowed walls of The Regent Theater!
With their sonic roots dating back as far back as 1995, Noctuary from Orange County has always been one of the most compelling entities to arise from the U.S. metal underground. The band has released albums on noted independent labels such as Lost Disciple and Quadrivium, with masterworks such as For Salvation and When Fires Breed Blood truly standing the test of time. Their imagination and intrigue was in full force when Noctuary took to the stage early on, ready to kick start the night and send it off into the stratosphere.
Opening with the diabolic refrains of Clouds Donning The Black Sky, the first cut from their When Fires Breed Blood magnum opus, Noctuary proved yet again why they still remain one of the most underrated metal collectives on this dying planet Earth. A new song entitled Abject Fear Reside was unveiled, demonstrating Noctuary has an eye clearly set on future entreaties.
The musicianship found within the Noctuary army is absolutely first rate, featuring the participation of Joseph Van Fossen on lead vocals and guitar, Rob Alaniz on drums, Steve Nelson on bass and vocals, and Jeff Peters on guitar. It was inspiring to witness Noctuary tearing apart The Regent stage, showing one and all that the USA does indeed thrive and prosper when it comes to thoroughly enthralling blackened death in its finest hour!
Dark Funeral
It’s been way too many years since Dark Funeral last issued their clarion call of evil and hate upon the United States – and their arrival on American soil was certainly a cause of massive celebration! Where Shadows Forever Reign is the name of their latest doctrine of malevolence through the Century Media compound – and Dark Funeral opened their set with the mighty Unchain My Soul, track one from their most recent endeavor.
Those who were looking for the defining moments of a brilliant career from the iconic Swedish black collective were in for a treasure trove of sonic blasphemies as well. The Arrival Of Satan’s Empire, Vobiscum Satanas, The Secrets Of The Black Arts – all these and so much more were unveiled to a crowd that went absolutely out of the mortal minds with appreciation. “Hail Satan” and metal fists high and proud in the air were the points of worship, and the fans showed their appreciation tenfold while bearing witness towards the otherworldly intensity that is a Dark Funeral live show.
The current membership of Dark Funeral scorches the earth and well beyond, featuring stellar performances from founding member Lord Ahriman on guitar, longtime co-conspirator Chaq Mol on guitar – as well as furiously lethal vocals from Heljarmadr, and latest convert Jalomaah unleashing a devilish fury on drums. For a very much deserved encore, Dark Funeral bestowed three scalding reveries upon The Regent, including Nail Them To The Cross, Atrum Regina, and Where Shadows Forever Reign. Certainly a presentation that will live on within the blackened hearts and possessed souls of the Los Angeles metal fanatics for a lifetime! Here’s hoping we see Dark Funeral back here in the Southland to enrage our masses with their infernal hymns. 666 horns up high in the sky for the prodigious Dark Funeral!
(Review by Ken Morton – Live Photos by Jack Lue)
Dark Funeral on Facebook
Noctuary on Facebook
Church Of The 8th Day on Facebook